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// FirstRealEA.cpp
// Still an instance of a VERY simple Real-coded  Genetic Algorithm 
// (see FirstBitGA.cpp) but now with  Breeder - and Combined Ops
// standard includes
#include <stdexcept>  // runtime_error 
#include <iostream>    // cout
#include <strstream>  // ostrstream, istrstream
// the general include for eo
#include <eo>
#include <es.h>
// define your individuals
typedef eoReal<double> Indi; 
// a simple fitness function that computes the euclidian norm of a real vector
// Now in a separate file, and declared as binary_value(const vector<bool> &)
#include "real_value.h"
void main_function(int argc, char **argv)
 const unsigned int SEED = 42; // seed for random number generator
 const unsigned int T_SIZE = 3; // size for tournament selection
 const unsigned int VEC_SIZE = 8; // Number of object variables in genotypes
 const unsigned int POP_SIZE = 20; // Size of population
 const unsigned int MAX_GEN = 500; // Maximum number of generation before STOP
 const unsigned int MIN_GEN = 10;  // Minimum number of generation before ...
 const unsigned int STEADY_GEN = 50; // stop after STEADY_GEN gen. without improvelent
 const float P_CROSS = 0.8; // Crossover probability
 const float P_MUT = 0.5; // mutation probability
 const double EPSILON = 0.01; // range for real uniform mutation
       double SIGMA = 0.3;        // std dev. for normal mutation
 // some parameters for chosing among different operators
 const double hypercubeRate = 0.5;    // relative weight for hypercube Xover
 const double segmentRate = 0.5; // relative weight for segment Xover
 const double uniformMutRate = 0.5; // relative weight for uniform mutation
 const double detMutRate = 0.5;     // relative weight for det-uniform mutation
 const double normalMutRate = 0.5;  // relative weight for normal mutation
 //  Random seed
 //reproducible random seed: if you don't change SEED above, 
 // you'll aways get the same result, NOT a random run
 // Fitness function
 // Evaluation: from a plain C++ fn to an EvalFunc Object
 // you need to give the full description of the function
 eoEvalFuncPtr<Indi, double, const vector<double>& > eval(  real_value );
 // Initilisation of population
 // based on a uniform generator
 eoInitFixedLength<Indi, uniform_generator<double> >
         random(VEC_SIZE, uniform_generator<double>(-1.0, 1.0));
   // Initialization of the population
 eoPop<Indi> pop(POP_SIZE, random);

 // and evaluate it in one loop
 apply<Indi>(eval, pop); // STL syntax

 // sort pop before printing it!
 // Print (sorted) intial population (raw printout)
 cout << "Initial Population" << endl;
 cout << pop;
 // selection and replacement
 // The robust tournament selection
 eoDetTournamentSelect<Indi> selectOne(T_SIZE);
// is now encapsulated in a eoSelectPerc (entage)
 eoSelectPerc<Indi> select(selectOne);// by default rate==1
 // And we now have the full slection/replacement - though with 
 // no replacement (== generational replacement) at the moment :-)
 eoNoReplacement<Indi> replace; 
 // The variation operators
 // uniform chooce on segment made by the parents
 eoSegmentCrossover<Indi> xoverS;
 // uniform choice in hypercube built by the parents
 eoHypercubeCrossover<Indi> xoverA;
 // Combine them with relative weights
 eoPropCombinedQuadOp<Indi> xover(xoverS, segmentRate);
 xover.add(xoverA, hypercubeRate, true);

 // offspring(i) uniformly chosen in [parent(i)-epsilon, parent(i)+epsilon]
 eoUniformMutation<Indi>  mutationU(EPSILON); 
 // k (=1) coordinates of parents are uniformly modified
 eoDetUniformMutation<Indi>  mutationD(EPSILON); 
 // all coordinates of parents are normally modified (stDev SIGMA)
 eoNormalMutation<Indi>  mutationN(SIGMA); 
 // Combine them with relative weights
 eoPropCombinedMonOp<Indi> mutation(mutationU, uniformMutRate);
 mutation.add(mutationD, detMutRate);
 mutation.add(mutationN, normalMutRate, true);

 // The operators are  encapsulated into an eoTRansform object
 eoSGATransform<Indi> transform(xover, P_CROSS, mutation, P_MUT);

 // termination conditions: use more than one
 // stop after MAX_GEN generations
 eoGenContinue<Indi> genCont(MAX_GEN);
 // do MIN_GEN gen., then stop after STEADY_GEN gen. without improvement
 eoSteadyFitContinue<Indi> steadyCont(MIN_GEN, STEADY_GEN);
 // stop when fitness reaches a target (here VEC_SIZE)
 eoFitContinue<Indi> fitCont(0);
 // do stop when one of the above says so
 eoCombinedContinue<Indi> continuator(genCont);
 // the algorithm
 // Easy EA requires 
 // selection, transformation, eval, replacement, and stopping criterion
 eoEasyEA<Indi> gga(continuator, eval, select, transform, replace);
 // Apply algo to pop - that's it!
 cout << "\n              Here we go\n\n";
 // Print (sorted) intial population
 cout << "FINAL Population\n" << pop << endl;
// A main that catches the exceptions
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
 //  rng.reseed(42);
     int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
       flag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF;
//    _CrtSetBreakAlloc(100);
             main_function(argc, argv);
     catch(exception& e)
             cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
     return 1;

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Marc Schoenauer

Last modified: Wed Nov 29 07:38:36 2000