00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 #ifndef EO_make_genotype_h
00025 #define EO_make_genotype_h
00027 #include <iostream>
00028 #include <sstream>
00029 #include <vector>
00031 #include "es/eoReal.h"
00032 #include "es/eoEsChromInit.h"
00033 #include "utils/eoParser.h"
00034 #include "utils/eoRealVectorBounds.h"
00035 #include "utils/eoState.h"
00064 template <class EOT>
00065 eoEsChromInit<EOT> & do_make_genotype(eoParser& _parser, eoState& _state, EOT)
00066 {
00067     // the fitness type
00068     typedef typename EOT::Fitness FitT;
00069     eoEsChromInit<EOT> *init;
00071     // for eoReal, only thing needed is the size - but might have been created elswhere ...
00072     eoValueParam<unsigned>& vecSize
00073         = _parser.getORcreateParam(unsigned(10), "vecSize",
00074                                    "The number of variables ",
00075                                    'n', "Genotype Initialization");
00076     // to build an eoReal Initializer, we need bounds: [-1,1] by default
00077     eoValueParam<eoRealVectorBounds>& boundsParam
00078         = _parser.getORcreateParam(eoRealVectorBounds(vecSize.value(), -1, 1),
00079                                    "initBounds",
00080                                    "Bounds for initialization (MUST be bounded)",
00081                                    'B', "Genotype Initialization");
00082     // now some initial value for sigmas - even if useless?
00083     // should be used in Normal mutation
00084     eoValueParam<std::string>& sigmaParam
00085         = _parser.getORcreateParam(std::string("0.3"), "sigmaInit",
00086                                    "Initial value for Sigmas (with a '%' -> scaled by the range of each variable)",
00087                                    's', "Genotype Initialization");
00088     // check for %
00089     bool to_scale = false;
00090     size_t pos =  sigmaParam.value().find('%');
00091     if(pos < sigmaParam.value().size()) {
00092         //  found a % - use scaling and get rid of '%'
00093         to_scale = true;
00094         sigmaParam.value().resize(pos);
00095     }
00096     std::istringstream is(sigmaParam.value());
00097     double sigma;
00098     is >> sigma;
00099     // minimum check
00100     if(sigma < 0)
00101         throw std::runtime_error("Negative sigma in make_genotype");
00102     if(to_scale)
00103         init = new eoEsChromInit<EOT>(boundsParam.value(), sigma, to_scale);
00104     else {
00105         // define parameter
00106         eoValueParam<std::vector<double> >& vecSigmaParam
00107             = _parser.getORcreateParam(std::vector<double>(vecSize.value(), sigma), "vecSigmaInit",
00108                                        "Initial value for Sigmas (only used when initSigma is not scaled)",
00109                                        'S', "Genotype Initialization");
00110         init = new eoEsChromInit<EOT>(boundsParam.value(), vecSigmaParam.value());
00111     }
00112     // store in state
00113     _state.storeFunctor(init);
00114     return *init;
00115 }
00118 #endif // EO_make_genotype_h
00122 // Local Variables:
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00125 // c-file-style: "Stroustrup"
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00128 // End:
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