Example of a test program building a PSO algorithm.
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // t-eoEasyPSO.cpp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __GNUG__ // to avoid long name warnings #pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif // __GNUG__ #include <eo> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef eoMinimizingFitness FitT; typedef eoRealParticle < FitT > Particle; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the objective function double real_value (const Particle & _particle) { double sum = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < _particle.size ()-1; i++) sum += pow(_particle[i],2); return (sum); } int main() { const unsigned int VEC_SIZE = 2; const unsigned int POP_SIZE = 20; const unsigned int NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE= 5; unsigned i; // the population: eoPop<Particle> pop; // Evaluation eoEvalFuncPtr<Particle, double, const Particle& > eval( real_value ); // position init eoUniformGenerator < double >uGen (-3, 3); eoInitFixedLength < Particle > random (VEC_SIZE, uGen); // velocity init eoUniformGenerator < double >sGen (-2, 2); eoVelocityInitFixedLength < Particle > veloRandom (VEC_SIZE, sGen); // local best init eoFirstIsBestInit < Particle > localInit; // perform position initialization pop.append (POP_SIZE, random); // topology eoLinearTopology<Particle> topology(NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE); // the full initializer eoInitializer <Particle> init(eval,veloRandom,localInit,topology,pop); init(); // bounds eoRealVectorBounds bnds(VEC_SIZE,-1.5,1.5); // velocity eoStandardVelocity <Particle> velocity (topology,1,1.6,2,bnds); // flight eoStandardFlight <Particle> flight; // Terminators eoGenContinue <Particle> genCont1 (50); eoGenContinue <Particle> genCont2 (50); // PS flight eoEasyPSO<Particle> pso1(genCont1, eval, velocity, flight); eoEasyPSO<Particle> pso2(init,genCont2, eval, velocity, flight); // flight try { pso1(pop); std::cout << "FINAL POPULATION AFTER PSO n°1:" << std::endl; for (i = 0; i < pop.size(); ++i) std::cout << "\t" << pop[i] << " " << pop[i].fitness() << std::endl; pso2(pop); std::cout << "FINAL POPULATION AFTER PSO n°2:" << std::endl; for (i = 0; i < pop.size(); ++i) std::cout << "\t" << pop[i] << " " << pop[i].fitness() << std::endl; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; }