- Namespace eo::mpi
- For serialization purposes, don't depend upon boost. It would be easy to use only eoserial and send strings via mpi.
- Member eo::mpi::AssignmentAlgorithm::reinit (int runs)=0
- Not really clean. Find a better way to do it.
- Class eoCMABreed< FitT >
- handle bounds
- Class eoCMAInit< FitT >
- handle bounds
- Member eoEsChromInit< EOT >::create_self_adapt (eoEsStdev< FitT > &result)
- Should we scale sigmas to the corresponding object variable range?
- Class eoFileSnapshot
- The counter is handled internally, but this should be changed so that you can pass e.g. an evalcounter (minor)
- Member eoFlOrKAtomBinOp< EOT >::operator() (EOT &_eo1, const EOT &_eo2)
- check that we don't do twice the same
- Member eoFlOrKAtomQuadOp< EOT >::operator() (EOT &_eo1, const EOT &_eo2)
- check that we don't do twice the same
- Member eoGenContinue< EOT >::totalGenerations (unsigned long _tg)
- replace this by an "init" method
- Member eoNPtsBitXover< Chrom >::num_points
- Document this data member
- Member eoOStreamMonitor::operator() (void)
- old verbose formatting, do we still need it?
- Member eoParser::getValue (eoParam &_param) const
- check environment, just long names
- Member eoParser::readFrom (std::istream &is)
- it should be the next string
- Member eoSteadyFitContinue< EOT >::totalGenerations (unsigned long _mg, unsigned long _sg)
- replace thi by an init method ?
- Class eoValueParam< ValueType >
- This should be changed to std::stringstream when that class is available in g++.
- Member eoVlUniformQuadOp< EOT >::operator() (EOT &_eo1, EOT &_eo2)
- FIXME bad hardcoded limit, should use an algorithm that guarantee a correct size in a finite number of tries
- Member gp_parse_tree::parse_tree< T >::subtree::node_allocator
- use the std::allocator interface