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The places where you have to put some code are on pink background.. Only the the character colors have the usual meaning.
/** -*- mode: c++; c-indent-level: 4; c++-member-init-indent: 8; comment-column: 35; -*-
The above line is usefulin Emacs-like editors
Template for creating a new representation in EO
#ifndef _eoOneMax_h
#define _eoOneMax_h
*  Always write a comment in this format before class definition
*  if you want the class to be documented by Doxygen
* Note that you MUST derive your structure from EO<fitT>
* but you MAY use some other already prepared class in the hierarchy
* like eoVector for instance, if you handle a vector of something....
* If you create a structure from scratch,
* the only thing you need to provide are 
*              a default constructor
*              IO routines printOn and readFrom
* Note that operator<< and operator>> are defined at EO level
* using these routines
template< class FitT>
class eoOneMax: public EO<FitT> {
  /** Ctor: you MUST provide a default ctor.
   * though such individuals will generally be processed 
   * by some eoInit object
      // START Code of default Ctor of an eoOneMax object
      // END    Code of default Ctor of an eoOneMax object

 virtual ~eoOneMax()

      // START Code of Destructor of an eoEASEAGenome object
      // END    Code of Destructor of an eoEASEAGenome object

 virtual string className() const { return "eoOneMax"; }

  /** printing... */
 void printOn(ostream& os) const
      // First write the fitness
     os << ' ';
      // START Code of default output 

* in EO we systematically write the sizes of things before the things
* so readFrom is easier to code (see below)

      // END    Code of default output


  /** reading... 
   * of course, your readFrom must be able to read what printOn writes!!!
 void readFrom(istream& is)
      // of course you should read the fitness first!

      // START Code of input

* remember the eoOneMax object will come from the default ctor
* this is why having the sizes written out is useful

      // END    Code of input

private:     // put all data here
      // START Private data of an eoOneMax object
      // END    Private data of an eoOneMax object


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Marc Schoenauer

Last modified: Fri May 3 06:06:09 2002