/** -*- mode: c++; c-indent-level:
4; c++-member-init-indent: 8; comment-column: 35; -*-
The above line is usefulin Emacs-like editors */ /*
#ifndef _eoOneMaxInit_h
// include the base definition of eoInit
template <class GenotypeT>
class eoOneMaxInit: public eoInit<GenotypeT> { public: /// Ctor - no requirement |
// START eventually
add or modify the anyVariable argument
eoOneMaxInit() // eoOneMaxInit( varType _anyVariable) : anyVariable(_anyVariable) // END eventually add or modify the anyVariable argument |
{ |
START Code of Ctor of an eoOneMaxInit object
// END Code of Ctor of an eoOneMaxInit object |
/** initialize a genotype
// START Code of random initialization of an eoOneMax object
// END Code of random initialization of an eoOneMax object |
// IMPORTANT in case the _genotype is old
} private: |
// START Private data
of an eoOneMaxInit object
// varType anyVariable; // for example ... // END Private data of an eoOneMaxInit object |
#endif |