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The places where you have to put some code are on pink background.. Only the the character colors have the usual meaning.
/** -*- mode: c++; c-indent-level: 4; c++-member-init-indent: 8; comment-column: 35; -*-
The above line is usefulin Emacs-like editors

Template for EO objects initialization in EO

#ifndef _eoOneMaxInit_h
#define _eoOneMaxInit_h

// include the base definition of eoInit
#include <eoInit.h>

*  Always write a comment in this format before class definition
*  if you want the class to be documented by Doxygen
* There is NO ASSUMPTION on the class GenoypeT.
* In particular, it does not need to derive from EO (e.g. to initialize 
*      atoms of an eoVector you will need an eoInit<AtomType>)

template <class GenotypeT>
class eoOneMaxInit: public eoInit<GenotypeT> {
/// Ctor - no requirement
// START eventually add or modify the anyVariable argument
  //  eoOneMaxInit( varType  _anyVariable) : anyVariable(_anyVariable) 
// END eventually add or modify the anyVariable argument
      // START Code of Ctor of an eoOneMaxInit object
      // END    Code of Ctor of an eoOneMaxInit object

  /** initialize a genotype
   * @param _genotype  generally a genotype that has been default-constructed
   *                                    whatever it contains will be lost
 void operator()(GenotypeT & _genotype)

      // START Code of random initialization of an eoOneMax object
      // END    Code of random initialization of an eoOneMax object
     _genotype.invalidate();     // IMPORTANT in case the _genotype is old


// START Private data of an eoOneMaxInit object
  //  varType anyVariable;    // for example ...
// END    Private data of an eoOneMaxInit object


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Marc Schoenauer

Last modified: Fri May 3 06:17:21 2002