A difficult problem can be splitted into simpler sub problems.
Therefore the sub problems should be solved faster.
Process serveral tasks together (concurrent programming).
By different ways :
Memory isn't shared here, manipulated objects are sent on a network: there is communication between the machines (called hosts)
If 3 cats catch 3 mices in 3 minutes, how many cats are needed to catch 9 mices in 9
minutes ?
int main( int argc, char **argv )
eo::mpi::Node::init( argc, argv );
// Let's make the assumption that pop is a eoPop<EOT>
// and evalFunc is an evaluation functor
eo::mpi::DynamicAssignmentAlgorithm assign;
eoParallelPopLoopEval<EOT> popEval( assign, eo::mpi::DEFAULT_MASTER, evalFunc );
popEval( pop, pop );
# include <serial/eoSerial.h>
class MyObject : public eoserial::Persistent {
// A persistent class needs a default empty ctor.
MyObject() {}
int id;
// Implementation of eoserial::Persistent::pack
// What to save when making a serialized object?
eoserial::Object* pack() const
eoserial::Object* obj = new eoserial::Object;
// eoserial::make creates a eoserial::String from a basic type
eoserial::String* idAsString = eoserial::make( id );
// the key "saved_id" will be associated to the JSON object idAsString
obj->add( "saved_id", idAsString );
// could have be done with
// (*obj)["saved_id"] = idAsString;
// as obj is a std::map pointer
return obj;
// Implementation of eoserial::Persistent::unpack
// What data to retrieve from a JSON object and where to put it?
void unpack(const eoserial::Object* json)
// retrieves the value from key "saved_id" in "*json" object and put it into member "id"
eoserial::unpack( *json, "saved_id" , id );
# include <eoSerial.h>
# include <fstream>
# include <cassert>
int main(void)
MyObject instance;
instance.id = 42;
// Writes
eoserial::Object* obj = instance.pack();
std::ofstream ofile("filename");
obj->print( ofile );
delete obj;
// Reads
std::ifstream ifile("filename");
std::stringstream ss;
while( ifile )
std::string s;
ifile >> s;
ss << s;
eoserial::Object* objCopy = eoserial::Parser::parse( ss.str() );
MyObject instanceCopy;
instanceCopy.unpack( objCopy );
assert( instanceCopy.id == instance.id );
return 0;
struct ComplexObject
bool someBooleanValue; // will be serialized into a string
MyObject obj; // Objects can contain other objects too
std::vector<int>; // and tables too!
int main(void)
ComplexObject co;
// let's imagine we've set values of co.
eoserial::Object* json = new eoserial::Object;
// serialize basic type
(*json)["some_boolean_value"] = eoserial::make( co.someBooleanValue );
// MyObject is Persistent, so eoserial knows how to serialize it
json->add( "my_object", &co.obj );
// Instead of having a "for" loop, let's automatically serialize the content of the array
json->add( "int_array",
eoserial::makeArray< std::vector<int>, eoserial::MakeAlgorithm >( co.array ) );
// Print everything on the standard output
json->print( std::cout );
delete json;
return 0;
Let's see how we could implement our parallelized evaluation
It's feasible as evaluating an individual is independant from evaluating another one.
// On master side
function parallel_evaluate( population p )
foreach individual i in p,
send i to a worker
if there is no available worker,
wait for any response (return)
and retry
inform all the available workers that they are done (yes, it's a centralized algorithm)
wait for all remaining responses
when receiving a response:
replace the evaluated individual in the population
// On worker side
function parallel_evaluate( evaluation function f )
wait for a individual i
apply f on it
send i to the master
But a parallelization algorithm is interesting only if the process time is higher than the communication time. If process time is too short relatively to the communication time, we can do the following:
// On master side
function parallel_evaluate( population p, number of elements to send each time packet_size )
index = 0
while index < size
sentSize := how many individuals (<= packet_size) can we send to a worker?
find a worker. If there is no one, wait for any response (return) and retry
send the sentSize to the worker
send the individuals to the worker
index += sentSize
inform all the available workers that they're done
wait for all remaining responses
when receiving a response:
replace the evaluated individuals in the population
// On worker side
function parallel_evaluate( evaluation function f )
size := wait for a sentSize as described above
individuals := wait for size individuals
apply f on each of them
send back the individuals
The idea behing multi-start is to run many times the same algorithm (for instance, eoEasyEA), but with different seeds: the workers launch the algorithm and send their solutions as they come to the master, which saves the ultimate best solution.
// On master side variable best_score (initialized at the worst value ever) // score can be fitness, for instance function parallel_multistart( integer runs ) seeds = table of generated seeds, or fixed seeds, whose size is at least "runs" for i := 0; i < runs; ++i find a worker. If there is no one, wait for any response (return) and retry send to the worker a different seed endfor inform all the available workers that they're done wait for all remaining responses endfunction when receiving a response: received_score := receive score from the worker. If the received_score > best_score send worker a message indicating that master is interested by the solution receive the solution updates the best_score else send worker a message indicating that master isn't interested by the solution endif // On worker side function parallel_multistart( algorithm eoAlgo ) seed := wait for a seed solution := eoAlgo( seed ) send solution score to master master_is_interested := wait for the response if master_is_interested send solution to master endif endfunction
// On master side
function parallel_evaluate(population p, number of elements to send each time packet_size )
index = 0
while index < size
find a worker. If there is no one, wait for any response (return) and retry
sentSize := how many individuals (<= packet_size) can we send to a worker?
send the sentSize to the worker
send the individuals to the worker
index += sentSize
inform all the available workers that they're done
wait for all remaining responses
when receiving a response:
replace the evaluated individuals in the population
// On worker side
function parallel_evaluate( evaluation function f )
size := wait for a sentSize as described above
individuals := wait for size individuals
apply f on each of them
send back the individuals
The calls to specific parts are in red.
// Master side
function parallel_algorithm()
while ! isFinished()
worker := none
while worker is none
wait for a response and affect worker the origin of the response
handleResponse( worker )
worker = retrieve worker
send worker a work order
sendTask( worker )
foreach available worker
indicate worker it's done (send them a termination order)
while all responses haven't be received
worker := none
wait for a response and affect worker the origin of the response
handleResponse( worker )
send worker a termination order
// Worker side
function parallel_algorithm()
order := receive order
while order is not termination order
processTask( )
order = receive order
int main( int argc, char **argv )
eo::mpi::Node::init( argc, argv );
// Let's make the assumption that pop is a eoPop<EOT>
// and evalFunc is an evaluation functor
eo::mpi::DynamicAssignmentAlgorithm assign;
eoParallelPopLoopEval<EOT> popEval( assign, eo::mpi::DEFAULT_MASTER, evalFunc );
// The store is hidden behind this call, but it can be given at eoParallelPopLoopEval constructor!
popEval( pop, pop );
// Our objective is to minimize fitness, for instance
struct CatBestAnswers : public eo::mpi::HandleResponseParallelApply<EOT>
best.fitness( 1000000000. );
void operator()(int wrkRank)
// Retrieve informations about the slice processed by the worker
int index = _data->assignedTasks[wrkRank].index;
int size = _data->assignedTasks[wrkRank].size;
// call to the wrapped function HERE
(*_wrapped)( wrkRank );
// Compare fitnesses of evaluated individuals with the best saved
for(int i = index; i < index+size; ++i)
if( best.fitness() < _data->table()[ i ].fitness() )
eo::log << eo::quiet << "Better solution found:" << _data->table()[i].fitness() << std::endl;
best = _data->table()[ i ];
EOT best;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
eo::mpi::Node::init( argc, argv );
// Let's make the assumption that pop is a eoPop<EOT>
// and evalFunc is an evaluation functor
eo::mpi::DynamicAssignmentAlgorithm assign;
// What was used before
// eoParallelPopLoopEval<EOT> popEval( assign, eo::mpi::DEFAULT_MASTER, evalFunc );
// What's new
eo::mpi::ParallelApplyStore< EOT > store( evalFunc, eo::mpi::DEFAULT_MASTER );
CatBestAnswer catBestAnswers;
store.wrapHandleResponse( &catBestAnswers );
eoParallelPopLoopEval< EOT > popEval( assign, eo::mpi::DEFAULT_MASTER, &store );
// What doesn't change
popEval( pop, pop );