00001 This package contains the source code for EDO.
00003 # Step 1 - Configuration
00004 ------------------------
00005 Rename the "install.cmake-dist" file as "install.cmake" and edit it, inserting the FULL PATH
00006 to your ParadisEO distribution.
00007 On Windows write your path with double antislash (ex: C:\\Users\\...)
00010 # Step 2 - Build process
00011 ------------------------
00012 ParadisEO is assumed to be compiled. To download ParadisEO, please visit http:
00013 Go to the DO/build/ directory and lunch cmake:
00014 (Unix) > cmake ..
00015 (Windows) > cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 9 2008"
00017 Note for windows users: if you don't use VisualStudio 9, enter the name of your generator instead of "VisualStudio 9 2008".
00020 # Step 3 - Compilation
00021 ----------------------
00022 In the edo/build/ directory:
00023 (Unix) > make
00024 (Windows) Open the VisualStudio solution and compile it, compile also the target install.
00025 You can refer to this tutorial if you don't know how to compile a solution: http:
00028 # Step 4 - Execution
00029 ---------------------
00030 A toy example is given to test the components. You can run these tests as following.
00031 To define problem-related components for your own problem, please refer to the tutorials available on the website : http:
00032 In the edo/build/ directory:
00033 (Unix) > ctest
00034 Windows users, please refer to this tutorial: http:
00036 In the directory "application", there are several directory such as eda which instantiate EDA solver.
00038 (Unix) After compilation you can run the binary "build/eda" and see results. Parameters can be modified from command line.
00040 (Windows) Add argument "eda.param" and execute the corresponding algorithms.
00041 Windows users, please refer to this tutorial: http:
00044 # Documentation
00045 ---------------
00046 The API-documentation is available in doc/html/index.html
00049 # Things to keep in mind when using EDO
00050 ----------------------------------------
00051 * By default, the EO random generator's seed is initialized by the number of seconds since the epoch (with time(0)). It is available in the status file dumped at each execution. Please, keep in mind that if you start two run at the same second without modifying the seed, you will get exactly the same results.
00053 * Execution times are measured with the boost:timer, that measure wallclock time. Additionaly, it could not measure times larger than approximatively 596.5 hours (or even less). See http:
00055 * The q-quantile computation use averaging at discontinuities (in R, it correspond to the R-2 method, in SAS, SAS-5). For more explanations, see http:
00057 * You can send a SIGUSR1 to a process to get some information (written down in the log file) on the current state of the search.