edoAlgo< D > | An EDO algorithm differs from a canonical EO algorithm because it is templatized on a Distribution rather than just an EOT |
edoAlgoAdaptive< D > | A generic stochastic search template for algorithms that need a distribution parameter |
edoAlgoStateless< D > | A generic stochastic search template for algorithms that need a distribution parameter but replace it rather than update it |
edoBounder< EOT > | The interface of a set of classes that modifies a solution so as to respect a given set of bounds (typically an hypercube) |
edoBounderBound< EOT > | A bounder that correct an incorrect variable by setting it to the min/max |
edoBounderNo< EOT > | A bounder that does nothing |
edoBounderRng< EOT > | A bounder that randomly draw new values for variables going out bounds, using an eoRng to do so |
edoBounderUniform< EOT > | A bounder that randomly draw new values for variables going out bounds, in a given uniform distribution |
edoCheckPoint< D > | EoCheckPoint< EOT > classe fitted to Distribution Object library |
edoContinue< D > | A continuator that check the state of an edoDistrib |
edoDistrib< EOT > | Base class for distributions |
edoDistribStat< D > | A parent class for any kind of distribution to dump parameter to std::string type |
edoEDASA< D > | EdoEDASA< D > |
edoEstimator< D > | Base class for estimators |
edoEstimatorAdaptive< D > | An interface that explicits the needs for a permanent distribution that will be updated by operators |
edoEstimatorNormalAdaptive< EOT, D > | An estimator that works on adaptive normal distributions, basically the heart of the CMA-ES algorithm |
edoEstimatorNormalMono< EOT > | An estimator for edoNormalMono |
edoEstimatorNormalMulti< EOT, D > | An estimator for edoNormalMulti |
edoEstimatorUniform< EOT > | An estimator for edoUniform |
edoFileSnapshot | EdoFileSnapshot |
edoHyperVolume< EOT > | EdoHyperVolume |
edoModifier< D > | A functor to arbitrarly modify a distribution |
edoModifierDispersion< D > | An semantic pseudo-interface for modifiers that updates dispersion parameters (like variance) |
edoModifierMass< D > | An semantic pseudo-interface for modifiers that updates mass parameters (like mean) |
edoNormalAdaptive< EOT > | A normal distribution that can be updated via several components |
edoNormalMono< EOT > | A normal (Gaussian) distribution that only model variances of variables |
edoNormalMonoCenter< EOT > | Change a distribution's mean for a given EOT |
edoNormalMulti< EOT > | A multi-normal distribution, that models co-variances |
edoNormalMultiCenter< EOT, D > | Changes a given distribution's mean by a given EOT |
edoPopStat< EOT > | Thanks to MS/VC++, eoParam mechanism is unable to handle std::vectors of stats |
edoRepairer< EOT > | The interface of a set of classes that modifies an unfeasible candidate solution so as to respect a given set of constraints and thus make a feasible solution |
edoRepairerApply< EOT, F > | Interface for applying an arbitrary unary function as a repairer on each item of the solution |
edoRepairerApplyBinary< EOT, F > | Apply an arbitrary binary function as a repairer on each item of the solution, the second argument of the function being fixed and given at instanciation |
edoRepairerApplyUnary< EOT, F > | Apply an arbitrary unary function as a repairer on each item of the solution |
edoRepairerCeil< EOT > | A repairer that calls "ceil" on each items of a solution |
edoRepairerFloor< EOT > | A repairer that calls "floor" on each items of a solution |
edoRepairerModulo< EOT > | Repair an EOT container by applying the standard modulo function on it |
edoRepairerRound< EOT > | A repairer that do a rounding around val+0.5 |
edoRepairerRoundDecimals< EOT > | A repairer that round values at a given a precision |
edoSampler< D > | Base class for samplers |
edoSamplerNormalAdaptive< EOT, D > | Sample points in a multi-normal law defined by a mean vector, a covariance matrix, a sigma scale factor and evolution paths |
edoSamplerNormalMono< EOT, D > | A sampler for edoNormalMono |
edoSamplerNormalMulti< EOT, D > | Sample points in a multi-normal law defined by a mean vector and a covariance matrix |
edoSamplerUniform< EOT, D > | This class uses the Uniform distribution parameters (bounds) to return a random position used for population sampling |
edoStatBase< D > | EdoStatBase< D > |
edoStatNormalMono< EOT > | EdoStatNormalMono< EOT > |
edoStatNormalMulti< EOT > | EdoStatNormalMulti< EOT > |
edoStatUniform< EOT > | EdoStatUniform< EOT > |
edoUniform< EOT > | A uniform distribution |
edoUniformCenter< EOT > | Modify an edoUniform distribution by centering its bounds around a given EOT |
edoVectorBounds< EOT > | A class that holds min and max bounds vectors |