eoElitism< EOT > Class Template Reference

Straightforward elitism class, specify the number of individuals to copy into new geneneration or the rate w.r.t. More...

#include <eoMerge.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoElitism< EOT >:
eoMerge< EOT > eoBF< const eoPop< EOT > &, eoPop< EOT > &, void > eoFunctorBase binary_function eoNoElitism< EOT >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 eoElitism (double _rate, bool _interpret_as_rate=true)
void operator() (const eoPop< EOT > &_pop, eoPop< EOT > &_offspring)
 The pure virtual function that needs to be implemented by the subclass.

Private Attributes

double rate
unsigned combien

Detailed Description

template<class EOT>
class eoElitism< EOT >

Straightforward elitism class, specify the number of individuals to copy into new geneneration or the rate w.r.t.

pop size

Definition at line 61 of file eoMerge.h.

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