eoMerge< Chrom > Class Template Reference

eoMerge: Base class for elitist replacement algorithms. More...

#include <eoMerge.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoMerge< Chrom >:
eoBF< const eoPop< Chrom > &, eoPop< Chrom > &, void > eoFunctorBase binary_function

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class Chrom>
class eoMerge< Chrom >

eoMerge: Base class for elitist replacement algorithms.

Merges the old population (first argument), with the new generation

Its signature is exactly that of the selection base eoSelect, but its purpose is to merge the two populations into one (the second argument). Note that the algorithms assume that the second argument denotes the next generation.

Definition at line 52 of file eoMerge.h.

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