eoPopulator< EOT > Class Template Reference

eoPopulator is a helper class for general operators eoGenOp It is an eoPop but also behaves like an eoPop::iterator as far as operator* and operator++ are concerned More...

#include <eoPopulator.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoPopulator< EOT >:
eoSelectivePopulator< EOT > eoSeqPopulator< EOT >

List of all members.


struct  OutOfIndividuals

Public Types

typedef unsigned position_type

Public Member Functions

 eoPopulator (const eoPop< EOT > &_src, eoPop< EOT > &_dest)
virtual ~eoPopulator ()
 Virtual Constructor.
EOT & operator* (void)
 a populator behaves like an iterator.
eoPopulatoroperator++ ()
 only prefix increment defined Does not add a new element when at the end, use operator* for that If not on the end, increment the pointer to the next individual
void insert (const EOT &_eo)
 mandatory for operators that generate more offspring than parents if such a thing exists ?
void reserve (int how_many)
 just to make memory mangement more efficient
const eoPop< EOT > & source (void)
 can be useful for operators with embedded selectors e.g.
eoPop< EOT > & offspring (void)
 Get the offspring population.
position_type tellp ()
 this is a direct access container: tell position
void seekp (position_type pos)
 this is a direct access container: go to position
bool exhausted (void)
 no more individuals
virtual const EOT & select ()=0
 the pure virtual selection method - will be instanciated in eoSeqPopulator and eoSelectivePopulator

Protected Attributes

eoPop< EOT > & dest
eoPop< EOT >::iterator current
const eoPop< EOT > & src

Private Member Functions

void get_next ()

Detailed Description

template<class EOT>
class eoPopulator< EOT >

eoPopulator is a helper class for general operators eoGenOp It is an eoPop but also behaves like an eoPop::iterator as far as operator* and operator++ are concerned

See also:

Definition at line 43 of file eoPopulator.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class EOT>
EOT& eoPopulator< EOT >::operator* ( void  ) [inline]

a populator behaves like an iterator.

Hence the operator* it returns the current individual -- eventually getting a new one through the operator++ if at the end

Definition at line 62 of file eoPopulator.h.

template<class EOT>
const eoPop<EOT>& eoPopulator< EOT >::source ( void  ) [inline]

can be useful for operators with embedded selectors e.g.

your brain and my beauty -type

Definition at line 109 of file eoPopulator.h.

Referenced by eoEsGlobalXover< EOT >::apply(), and eoSelBinGenOp< EOT >::apply().

template<class EOT>
eoPop<EOT>& eoPopulator< EOT >::offspring ( void  ) [inline]

Get the offspring population.

Can be useful when you want to do some online niching kind of thing

Definition at line 114 of file eoPopulator.h.

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