eoSequentialSelect< EOT > Class Template Reference

Contains the following classes: More...

#include <eoSequentialSelect.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoSequentialSelect< EOT >:
eoSelectOne< EOT > eoUF< const eoPop< EOT > &, const EOT & > eoFunctorBase unary_function

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 eoSequentialSelect (bool _ordered=true)
 Ctor: sets the current pter to numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() so init will take place first time not very elegant, maybe ...
void setup (const eoPop< EOT > &_pop)
 virtual function to setup some population stats (for instance eoProportional can benefit greatly from this)
virtual const EOT & operator() (const eoPop< EOT > &_pop)
 The pure virtual function that needs to be implemented by the subclass.

Private Attributes

bool ordered
unsigned current
std::vector< const EOT * > eoPters

Detailed Description

template<class EOT>
class eoSequentialSelect< EOT >

Contains the following classes:

  • eoSequentialSelect, returns all individuals one by one, either sorted or shuffled
  • eoEliteSequentialSelect, returns all indivisuals one by one starting with best, continuing shuffled (see G3 engine) All Individuals in order

Looping back to the beginning when exhausted, can be from best to worse, or in random order.

It is the eoSelectOne equivalent of eoDetSelect - though eoDetSelect always returns individuals from best to worst


Definition at line 54 of file eoSequentialSelect.h.

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