eoStatBase< EOT > Class Template Reference

Base class for all statistics that need to be calculated over the (unsorted) population (I guess it is not really necessary? MS. More...

#include <eoStat.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoStatBase< EOT >:
eoUF< const eoPop< EOT > &, void > eoFunctorBase unary_function eoStat< EOT, T > eoStat< EOT, double > eoStat< EOT, EOT::Fitness > eoStat< EOT, std::pair< double, double > > eoStat< EOT, std::string > eoFuncPtrStat< EOT, T > eoFunctorStat< EOT, T > eoAssembledFitnessAverageStat< EOT > eoAssembledFitnessBestStat< EOT > eoAverageSizeStat< EOT > eoDistanceStat< EOT > eoFDCStat< EOT > eoFeasibleRatioStat< EOT > eoAverageStat< EOT > eoBestFitnessStat< EOT > eoInterquartileRangeStat< EOT > eoSecondMomentStats< EOT > eoDualStatSwitch< EOT, EOSTAT > eoPopStat< EOT >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void lastCall (const eoPop< EOT > &)
virtual std::string className (void) const

Detailed Description

template<class EOT>
class eoStatBase< EOT >

Base class for all statistics that need to be calculated over the (unsorted) population (I guess it is not really necessary? MS.

Depstd::ends, there might be reasons to have a stat that is not an eoValueParam, but maybe I'm just kidding myself, MK)

Definition at line 67 of file eoStat.h.

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