eoUpdater Class Reference

eoUpdater is a generic procudere for updating whatever you want. More...

#include <eoUpdater.h>

Inheritance diagram for eoUpdater:
eoF< void > eoFunctorBase eoCountedStateSaver eoDynUpdater eoGenCounter eoIncrementor< T > eoIncrementorParam< T > eoTimeCounter eoTimedStateSaver eoCountedDynUpdate eoTimedDynUpdate

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void lastCall ()
virtual std::string className (void) const
template<class EOT >
eoUpdateraddTo (eoCheckPoint< EOT > &cp)

Detailed Description

eoUpdater is a generic procudere for updating whatever you want.

Yet again an empty name

Definition at line 43 of file eoUpdater.h.

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