gp_parse_tree::parse_tree< T > Class Template Reference

List of all members.


class  base_const_iterator
class  base_iterator
class  const_iterator
class  embedded_const_iterator
class  embedded_iterator
class  iterator
class  subtree

Public Types

typedef T value_type

Public Member Functions

 parse_tree (const parse_tree &org)
 parse_tree (const subtree &sub)
template<class It >
 parse_tree (It b, It e)
parse_treeoperator= (const parse_tree &org)
parse_treeoperator= (const subtree &sub)
bool operator== (const parse_tree &other) const
bool operator!= (const parse_tree &other) const
size_t size (void) const
size_t depth (void) const
void clear (void)
template<class RetVal >
void apply (RetVal &v) const
template<class RetVal , class It >
void apply (RetVal &v, It varValues) const
template<class RetVal , class It >
void apply_mem_func (RetVal &v, It misc, void(T::*f)(RetVal &, typename subtree::iterator, It))
template<class Pred >
void find_nodes (std::vector< subtree * > &result, Pred &p)
template<class Pred >
void find_nodes (std::vector< const subtree * > &result, Pred &p) const
void swap (parse_tree< T > &other)
iterator begin (void)
const_iterator begin (void) const
iterator end (void)
const_iterator end (void) const
embedded_iterator ebegin (void)
embedded_const_iterator ebegin (void) const
embedded_iterator eend (void)
embedded_const_iterator eend (void) const
bool empty (void) const
bool valid (void) const
void push_back (const parse_tree< T > &tree)
void push_back (const T &t)
subtreeback (void)
const subtreeback (void) const
subtreeroot (void)
const subtreeroot (void) const
subtreefront (void)
const subtreefront (void) const
subtreeoperator[] (size_t i)
const subtreeoperator[] (size_t i) const
subtreeget_cumulative (size_t i)
const subtreeget_cumulative (size_t i) const

Private Member Functions

parse_treecopy (const parse_tree &org)
parse_treecopy (const subtree &sub)

Private Attributes

subtree _root
std::vector< subtreepushed

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class gp_parse_tree::parse_tree< T >

Definition at line 189 of file parse_tree.h.

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