Vector of reals

Set of classes related to continuous black-box optimization problems. More...


class  eoRealParticle< FitT >
 eoRealParticle: Implementation of a real-coded particle for particle swarm optimization. More...
class  eoEsChromInit< EOT >
 Random Es-chromosome initializer (therefore derived from eoInit) More...
class  eoEsFull< Fit >
 The most complex evolutionary strategy representation. More...
class  eoEsGlobalXover< EOT >
 Global crossover operator for ES genotypes. More...
class  eoEsMutate< EOT >
 ES-style mutation in the large. More...
class  eoEsMutationInit
 Initialize Mutation operator. More...
class  eoEsSimple< Fit >
 Simple Evolution Strategy. More...
class  eoEsStandardXover< EOT >
 Standard (i.e. More...
class  eoEsStdev< Fit >
 Evolutionary Strategy with a standard deviation per parameter. More...
class  eoNormalVecMutation< EOT >
 Simple normal mutation of a std::vector of real values. More...
class  eoNormalMutation< EOT >
 Simple normal mutation of a std::vector of real values. More...
class  eoOneFifthMutation< EOT >
 the dynamic version: just say it is updatable - and write the update() method! here the 1 fifth rule: count the proportion of successful mutations, and increase sigma if more than threshold (1/5 !) More...
class  eoReal< FitT >
 eoReal: implementation of simple real-valued chromosome. More...
class  eoDoubleExchange
 Some basic atomic crossovers for doubles. More...
class  eoDoubleIntermediate
 Intermediate crossover == linear combination. More...
class  eoRealInitBounded< EOT >
 Simple initialization for any EOT that derives from std::vector<double> uniformly in some bounds. More...
class  eoSBXCrossover< EOT >
class  eoIntNoBounds
 A default class for unbounded variables. More...
class  eoIntInterval
 fully bounded eoIntBound == interval More...
class  eoIntBelowBound
 an eoIntBound bounded from below only More...
class  eoIntAboveBound
 An eoIntBound bounded from above only. More...
class  eoGeneralIntBounds
 A class that encapsulate all possible eoIntBounds. More...
class  eoUniformMutation< EOT >
 eoUniformMutation --> changes all values of the std::vector by uniform choice with range epsilon with probability p_change per variable More...
class  eoDetUniformMutation< EOT >
 eoDetUniformMutation --> changes exactly k values of the std::vector by uniform choice with range epsilon More...
class  eoSegmentCrossover< EOT >
 eoSegmentCrossover --> uniform choice in segment == arithmetical with same value along all coordinates More...
class  eoArithmeticCrossover
 eoHypercubeCrossover --> uniform choice in hypercube == arithmetical with different values for each coordinate More...
class  eoRealUxOver
 eoRealUxOver --> Uniform crossover, also termed intermediate crossover More...
class  eoIntBounds
 Defines bound classes for real numbers. More...
class  eoRealBounds
 Defines bound classes for real numbers. More...

Detailed Description

Set of classes related to continuous black-box optimization problems.

Here are several examples of test programs using eoReal, eoEsSimple, eoEsStdev or eoEsFull to build an Evoution Strategies algorithm:

// Program to test several EO-ES features

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4786)

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ctime>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
  #include <crtdbg.h>

using namespace std;

#include <eo>

// representation specific
#include <es/make_es.h>

#include "real_value.h"         // the sphere fitness

// Now the main
typedef eoMinimizingFitness  FitT;

template <class EOT>
void runAlgorithm(EOT, eoParser& _parser, eoState& _state);

int main_function(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Create the command-line parser
    eoParser parser(argc, argv);  // for user-parameter reading
    eoState state;    // keeps all things allocated
    eoValueParam<bool>& simpleParam = parser.getORcreateParam(true, "Isotropic",
                                                              "Isotropic self-adaptive mutation",
                                                              'i', "ES mutation");
    eoValueParam<bool>& stdevsParam = parser.getORcreateParam(false, "Stdev",
                                                              "One self-adaptive stDev per variable",
                                                              's', "ES mutation");
    eoValueParam<bool>& corrParam = parser.getORcreateParam(false, "Correl",
                                                            "Use correlated mutations",
                                                            'c', "ES mutation");
    // Run the appropriate algorithm
    if (simpleParam.value() == false)
        std::cout << "Using eoReal" << std::endl;
        runAlgorithm(eoReal<FitT>(), parser, state);
    else if (stdevsParam.value() == false)
        std::cout << "Using eoEsSimple" << std::endl;
        runAlgorithm(eoEsSimple<FitT>(), parser, state);
    else if (corrParam.value() == false)
        std::cout << "Using eoEsStdev" << std::endl;
        runAlgorithm(eoEsStdev<FitT>(), parser, state);
        std::cout << "Using eoEsFull" << std::endl;
        runAlgorithm(eoEsFull<FitT>(), parser, state);
    return 0;

// A main that catches the exceptions
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    // rng.reseed(42);
    int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
    flag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF;
    // _CrtSetBreakAlloc(100);
        main_function(argc, argv);
    catch(std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';

template <class EOT>
void runAlgorithm(EOT, eoParser& _parser, eoState& _state)
    typedef typename EOT::Fitness FitT;

    // The evaluation fn - encapsulated into an eval counter for output
    eoEvalFuncPtr<EOT, double, const std::vector<double>&> mainEval( real_value );
    eoEvalFuncCounter<EOT> eval(mainEval);

    // the genotype - through a genotype initializer
    eoRealInitBounded<EOT>& init = make_genotype(_parser, _state, EOT());

    // Build the variation operator (any seq/prop construct)
    eoGenOp<EOT>& op = make_op(_parser, _state, init);

    // initialize the population - and evaluate
    // yes, this is representation indepedent once you have an eoInit
    eoPop<EOT>& pop = make_pop(_parser, _state, init);
    apply<EOT>(eval, pop);

    // stopping criteria
    eoContinue<EOT> & term = make_continue(_parser, _state, eval);
    // output
    eoCheckPoint<EOT> & checkpoint = make_checkpoint(_parser, _state, eval, term);
    // algorithm (need the operator!)
    eoAlgo<EOT>& ga = make_algo_scalar(_parser, _state, eval, checkpoint, op);

    // to be called AFTER all parameters have been read!!!

    std::cout << "Initial Population\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    run_ea(ga, pop); // run the ga

    std::cout << "Final Population\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;
// Program to test several EO-ES features

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4786)

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

#include <eo>

// representation specific
#include <es.h>

#include "real_value.h"         // the sphere fitness

// Now the main
typedef eoMinimizingFitness  FitT;

template <class EOT>
void runAlgorithm(EOT, eoParser& _parser, eoState& _state, eoRealVectorBounds& _bounds, eoValueParam<string> _load_name);

int main_function(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Create the command-line parser
  eoParser parser( argc, argv, "Basic EA for vector<float> with adaptive mutations");

  // Define Parameters and load them
  eoValueParam<uint32_t>& seed        = parser.createParam(static_cast<uint32_t>(time(0)),
                                                           "seed", "Random number seed");
  eoValueParam<string>& load_name   = parser.createParam(string(), "Load","Load a state file",'L');
  eoValueParam<string>& save_name   = parser.createParam(string(), "Save","Saves a state file",'S');
  eoValueParam<bool>&   stdevs      = parser.createParam(false, "Stdev", "Use adaptive mutation rates", 's');
  eoValueParam<bool>&   corr        = parser.createParam(false, "Correl", "Use correlated mutations", 'c');
  eoValueParam<unsigned>& chromSize = parser.createParam(unsigned(50), "ChromSize", "Number of chromosomes", 'n');
  eoValueParam<double>& minimum     = parser.createParam(-1.0, "Min", "Minimum for Objective Variables", 'l');
  eoValueParam<double>& maximum     = parser.createParam(1.0, "Max", "Maximum for Objective Variables", 'h');

  eoState state;

   if (!load_name.value().empty())
   { // load the parser. This is only neccessary when the user wants to
     // be able to change the parameters in the state file by hand
     // Note that only parameters inserted in the parser at this point
     // will be loaded!.
       state.load(load_name.value()); // load the parser


    eoRealVectorBounds bounds(chromSize.value(), minimum.value(), maximum.value());

    // Run the appropriate algorithm
    if (stdevs.value() == false && corr.value() == false)
        runAlgorithm(eoEsSimple<FitT>() ,parser, state, bounds, load_name);
    else if (corr.value() == true)
        runAlgorithm(eoEsFull<FitT>(),parser, state, bounds, load_name);
        runAlgorithm(eoEsStdev<FitT>(), parser, state, bounds, load_name);

    // and save
    if (!save_name.value().empty())
        string file_name = save_name.value();
        save_name.value() = ""; // so that it does not appear in the parser section of the state file

        return 0;

// A main that catches the exceptions

int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  //  rng.reseed(42);
    int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
     flag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF;
//   _CrtSetBreakAlloc(100);

        main_function(argc, argv);
    catch(std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';

    return 1;

template <class EOT>
void runAlgorithm(EOT, eoParser& _parser, eoState& _state, eoRealVectorBounds& _bounds, eoValueParam<string> _load_name)
    // evaluation
    eoEvalFuncPtr<EOT, double, const vector<double>&> eval(  real_value );

    // population parameters, unfortunately these can not be altered in the state file
    eoValueParam<unsigned> mu = _parser.createParam(unsigned(7), "mu","Size of the population");
    eoValueParam<double>lambda_rate = _parser.createParam(double(7.0), "lambda_rate", "Factor of children to produce");

    if (lambda_rate.value() < 1.0f)
        throw logic_error("lambda_rate must be larger than 1 in a comma strategy");

    // Initialization
    eoEsChromInit<EOT> init(_bounds);

    // State takes ownership of pop because it needs to save it in caller
    eoPop<EOT>& pop = _state.takeOwnership(eoPop<EOT>(mu.value(), init));


    if (!_load_name.value().empty())
    { // The real loading happens here when all objects are registered
       _state.load(_load_name.value()); // load all and everything
        // evaluate initial population
        apply<EOT>(eval, pop);

    // Ok, time to set up the algorithm
    // Proxy for the mutation parameters
    eoEsMutationInit mutateInit(_parser);

    eoEsMutate<EOT> mutate(mutateInit, _bounds);

    // monitoring, statistics etc.
    eoAverageStat<EOT> average;
    eoStdoutMonitor monitor;


    eoGenContinue<EOT> cnt(100);
    eoCheckPoint<EOT> checkpoint(cnt);

    // only mutation (== with rate 1.0)
    eoMonGenOp<EOT> op(mutate);

    // the selection: sequential selection
    eoSequentialSelect<EOT> select;
    // the general breeder (lambda is a rate -> true)
    eoGeneralBreeder<EOT> breed(select, op, lambda_rate.value(), true);

    // the replacement - hard-coded Comma replacement
    eoCommaReplacement<EOT> replace;

    // now the eoEasyEA
    eoEasyEA<EOT> es(checkpoint, eval, breed, replace);


    std::cout << "Final population\n" << pop << std::endl;

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