Bit strings

Various functions for a bitstring representation. More...


class  eoBoolFlip
 a simple boolean mutation - to be used in generic eoOp's More...
class  eoBooleanGenerator
 The class eoBooleanGenerator can be used in the STL generate function to easily generate random booleans with a specified bias. More...
class  eoBit< FitT >
 Implementation of bitstring chromosome. More...
class  eoOneBitFlip< Chrom >
 eoOneBitFlip --> changes 1 bit More...
class  eoDetBitFlip< Chrom >
 eoDetBitFlip --> changes exactly k bits More...
class  eoDetSingleBitFlip< Chrom >
 eoDetSingleBitFlip --> changes exactly k bits with checking for duplicate More...
class  eoBitMutation< Chrom >
 eoBitMutation --> classical mutation More...
class  eoBitInversion< Chrom >
 eoBitInversion: inverts the bits of the chromosome between an interval More...
class  eoBitNext< Chrom >
 eoBitNext --> next value when bitstring considered as binary value More...
class  eoBitPrev< Chrom >
 eoBitPrev --> previous value when bitstring treated as binary value More...
class  eo1PtBitCrossover
 eo1PtBitXover --> classic 1-point crossover More...
class  eoUBitXover< Chrom >
 eoUBitXover --> classic Uniform crossover More...
class  eoNPtsBitXover< Chrom >
 eoNPtsBitXover --> n-point crossover More...
class  eoBitGxOver< Chrom >
 eoBitGxOver --> Npts crossover when bistd::string considered as a std::string of binary-encoded genes (exchanges genes) Is anybody still using it apart from historians ??? :-) More...

Detailed Description

Various functions for a bitstring representation.

Example of a complete test program that use various bitstrings operators:

/* -*- mode: c++; c-indent-level: 4; c++-member-init-indent: 8; comment-column: 35; -*-

      This program tests the the binary cromosomes and several genetic operators
    (c) GeNeura Team, 1999

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Contact: todos@geneura.ugr.es, http://geneura.ugr.es

#include <config.h>

#include <iostream>   // std::cout
#include <sstream>

#include <eo>         // general EO
#include <ga.h>       // bitstring representation & operators
#include <utils/eoRndGenerators.h>
#include "binary_value.h"


typedef eoBit<double> Chrom;


void main_function()
  const unsigned SIZE = 8;
  unsigned i, j;
  eoBooleanGenerator gen;

  Chrom chrom(SIZE), chrom2;
  chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));

  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = true; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = false; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = true; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));

  std::cout << "chrom.className() = " << chrom.className() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl
       << "chrom2: " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  std::ostringstream os;
  os << chrom;
  std::istringstream is(os.str());
  is >> chrom2; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));

  std::cout << "\nTesting reading, writing\n";
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << "\nchrom2: " << chrom2 << '\n';

  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------"
       << std::endl << "eoMonOp's aplied to .......... " << chrom << std::endl;

      random(chrom.size(), gen);

  random(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinRandom ............ " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoOneBitFlip<Chrom> bitflip;
  bitflip(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBitFlip .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitMutation<Chrom> mutation(0.5);
  mutation(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinMutation(0.5) ..... " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitInversion<Chrom> inversion;
  inversion(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinInversion ......... " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitNext<Chrom> next;
  next(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinNext .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitPrev<Chrom> prev;
  prev(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinPrev .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------"
       << std::endl << "eoBinOp's aplied to ... "
       << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  eo1PtBitXover<Chrom> xover;
  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
  std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
  xover(chrom, chrom2);
  chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
  std::cout << "eoBinCrossover ........ " << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++)
      eoNPtsBitXover<Chrom> nxover(i);
      std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
      std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
      nxover(chrom, chrom2);
      chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
      std::cout << "eoBinNxOver(" << i << ") ........ "
           << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  for (i = 1; i < SIZE / 2; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < SIZE / 2; j++)
        eoBitGxOver<Chrom> gxover(i, j);
        std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
        std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
        gxover(chrom, chrom2);
        chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
        std::cout  << "eoBinGxOver(" << i << ", " << j << ") ..... "
              << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

    // test SGA algorithm
    eoGenContinue<Chrom> continuator1(50);
    eoFitContinue<Chrom> continuator2(65535.f);

    eoCombinedContinue<Chrom> continuator(continuator1);
    continuator.add( continuator2);

    eoCheckPoint<Chrom> checkpoint(continuator);

    eoStdoutMonitor monitor;


    eoSecondMomentStats<Chrom> stats;


    eoProportionalSelect<Chrom> select;
    eoEvalFuncPtr<Chrom>  eval(binary_value);

    eoSGA<Chrom> sga(select, xover, 0.8f, bitflip, 0.1f, eval, checkpoint);

    eoInitFixedLength<Chrom> init(16, gen);
    eoPop<Chrom> pop(100, init);

    apply<Chrom>(eval, pop);



    std::cout << "Population " << pop << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nBest: " << pop[0].fitness() << '\n';


    Commented this out, waiting for a definite decision what to do with the mOp's

    // Check multiOps
    eoMultiMonOp<Chrom> mOp( &next );
    mOp.adOp( &bitflip );
    std::cout << "before multiMonOp............  " << chrom << std::endl;
    mOp( chrom );
    std::cout << "after multiMonOp .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

    eoBinGxOver<Chrom> gxover(2, 4);
    eoMultiBinOp<Chrom> mbOp( &gxover );
    mOp.adOp( &bitflip );
    std::cout << "before multiBinOp............  " << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;
    mbOp( chrom, chrom2 );
    std::cout << "after multiBinOp .............. " << chrom << " " << chrom2 <<std::endl;

// For MSVC memory lead detection
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <crtdbg.h>

int main()
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  //  rng.reseed(42);
    int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
     flag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF;
//   _CrtSetBreakAlloc(100);

    catch(std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';

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