eo::mpi::Job< JobData >::FinallyBlock Struct Reference

Finally block of the main algorithm. More...

#include <eoMpi.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FinallyBlock (int _totalWorkers, AssignmentAlgorithm &_algo, Job< JobData > &_that)

Protected Attributes

int totalWorkers
Job< JobData > & that
bmpi::communicator & comm

Detailed Description

template<class JobData>
struct eo::mpi::Job< JobData >::FinallyBlock

Finally block of the main algorithm.

Herb Sutter's trick for having a finally block, in a try/catch section: invoke a class at the beginning of the try, its destructor will be called in every cases.

This implements the end of the master algorithm:

  • sends to all available workers that they are free,
  • waits for last responses, handles them and sends termination messages to last workers.

Definition at line 590 of file eoMpi.h.

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