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Click on the figure to see the corresponding code.
In the code, the colors are meaningfull
The actual code is in boldface and the comment in normal face.

#include <iostream>
#include <ga/make_ga.h>
#include <apply.h>
#include "binary_value.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// define your genotype and fitness types
 typedef eoBit<double> EOT;
 eoParser parser(argc, argv);  // for user-parameter reading
 eoState state;      // keeps all things allocated
 ///// FIRST, problem or representation dependent stuff
 // The evaluation fn - encapsulated into an eval counter for output
 eoEvalFuncPtr<EOT, float> mainEval( binary_value<EOT> );
 eoEvalFuncCounter<EOT> eval(mainEval);
 // the genotype - through a genotype initializer
 eoInit<EOT>& init = make_genotype(parser, state, EOT());
 // Build the variation operator (any seq/prop construct)
 eoGenOp<EOT>& op = make_op(parser, state, init);
 //// Now the representation-independent things
 // initialize the population - and evaluate
 // yes, this is representation indepedent once you have an eoInit
 eoPop<EOT>& pop    = make_pop(parser, state, init);
 // stopping criteria
 eoContinue<EOT> & term = make_continue(parser, state, eval);
 // output
 eoCheckPoint<EOT> & checkpoint = make_checkpoint(parser, state, eval, term);
 // algorithm (need the operator!)
 eoAlgo<EOT>& ga = make_algo_scalar(parser, state, eval, checkpoint, op);
 ///// End of construction of the algorith
 // to be called AFTER all parameters have been read!!!
 //// GO
 // evaluate intial population AFTER help and status in case it takes time
 apply(eval, pop);
 // print it out (sort witout modifying)
 cout << "Initial Population\n";
 cout << endl;
 run_ea(ga, pop); // run the ga
 // print it out (sort witout modifying)
 cout << "Final Population\n";
 cout << endl;
 catch(exception& e)
     cout << e.what() << endl;

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Marc Schoenauer

Last modified: Wed Mar 6 05:40:27 2002