As already said, the behavior of the algorithms
will be exactly the same as the previous one as far as optimization is
concerned. Only now you will be able to tune every component of the algorithms
(except the type of genotype) using run-time parameters.
Also, as in previous lessons, most of the code
is representation-independent, i.e. is the same for both the binary genotypes
and the real-valued genotypes. This small user's guide reflects that, but
you can go directly to the binary or the real
parts if you wish.
Warning: this is a user guide, not a programming guide. In particular, the keywords of the parameters are not the names of the underlying classes (though they should be similar in most cases).
User's guide:Parameter input The way to input parameters has already be described in Lesson 3. To get a list of parameters, type the command with option --help (or -h): with both testBit and testReal this will result in
User's guide:Representation-independent
In what follows, the fixed font colored text
is directly taken from the status file and is commented between the lines.
The presentation follows the status file format - only two sections are
representation-dependent (see the corresponding binary
or real sections). All other sections are presented
# --seed=988700289 # -S :
Random number seed
Unsigned long parameter:
the seed for the Random Number Generator
If the parameter is absent, then time(0) is used, which indicates the number
of seconds since Jan. 1 1980, is used ... and stored in the status file,
of course, so you can repeat the same run by simply assigning that value
again. There is no default value ("true" random
Section ######
engine ######
In this section, one chooses all components of
the Evolution Engine (selection, replacemenet
and the like).
# --popSize=20 # -P : Population
Integer parameter:
the size of the population (constant along evolution). And yes, this is
a representation independent parameter, as the population is created either
from a file or using an eoInit object - and only that object is representation-dependent.
# --selection=DetTour(2)
# -S : Selection: Roulette, DetTour(T), StochTour(t) or Sequential(ordered/unordered)
String parameter:
Name of selection procedure. Availabable
are the roulette wheel
(name Roulette,
fitness scaling coming soon); deterministic
tournament (name DetTour
with size - integer > 2 - in parentheses right after the name, use double
quotes on the command line); stochastic
tournament (name StochTour
with probability - float in [0.5, 1] - in parentheses); sequential
all individuals in turn), either from best to worst (option ordered
in parentheses), or in random ordered (option unordered);
and finally repeated independent uniform
choices (name Random).
Default is DetTour(2).
# --nbOffspring=100% # -O
: Nb of offspring (percentage or absolute)
Integer or real-valued parameter:
this parameter indicates the amount of
offspring that will be generated from
the genitors every generation. However, this amount can be specified either
to the population size, and it should then end with percent character (%),
or as an absolute
integer number (without the percent char).
Indeed, you can either want, say 7 times more
offspring than parents (a rather common situation in Evolution Strategies),
in which case you give value 700% to nbOffspring
parameter; or you might want a single offspring whatever the population
size, like in Steady-State evolution engines, in which case you simply
enter value 1. Default is 100%.
# --replacement=Comma # -R
: Replacement: Comma, Plus, EPTour(T), SSGAWorst, SSGADet(T), SSGAStoch(t)
String parameter:
Name of replacement procedure. Availabable are the ES
plus and comma deterministic replacement
strategies (named respectively Plus
and Comma);
stochastic tournament (name EPTour
with tournament size in parentheses); and the steady-state
procedures, at the moment only based on fitnesses, replacement being either
(new born replace worst parent, name SSGAWorst),
or based on a tournament (name SSGADet
for deterministic tournament, size in parentheses, and SSGAStoch
for stochastic tournament, probability in parentheses). Default
is Comma (which btw is also SGA generational
replacement whenever there are as many offspring
as parents).
# --weakElitism=0 # -w :
Old best parent replaces new worst offspring *if necessary*
Boolean parameter:
if true, weak elitism is added to the replacement procedure (i.e. if the
best fitness among the offspring is less than the best fitness, the best
parent replaces the worst offspring). Default
is false.
Section ######
Output ######
This first section on Output contains parameters
related to screen text output.
# --useEval=1 # Use nb of
eval. as counter (vs nb of gen.)
Boolean parameter:
whether or not you want the nb of evluations to be displayed and used as
counter in statistics outputs and plots. Default
is true.
# --printBestStat=1 # Print
Best/avg/stdev every gen.
Boolean parameter:
toggles screen output of indicated statistics. Default
is true.
# --printPop=0 # Print sorted
pop. every gen.
Boolean parameter:
adds a dump of the whole population to the screen every generation. Is
likely to generate huge
output! Default is false.
# --printFDC=1 # Print FDC
coeff. every gen.
Boolean parameter:
adds Fitness Distance Correlation to output every generation. Default
is false.
Section ######
Output - Disk ######
This second section on Output contains parameters
related to DISK output.
# --resDir=Res # Directory
to store DISK outputs
String parameter: All
output will be stored in a separate directory
-this is its name. If the directory does not exist, it is created. Note
that all graphical displays
will use that directory for their temporary files. Also all
job dump (see section Persistence
below) store their files there too.
# --eraseDir=0 # erase files
in dirName if any
Boolean parameter:
in order not to mix up files from different runs, it is mandatory to ensure
that the directory where all files will be stored is empty. However, if
this parameter is not set and the directory already exists, an exception
is thrown and the program stops. It it is set, all
files in the result directory are erased.
# --fileBestStat=0 # Output
Best/avg/stdev to a file
Boolean parameter:
if present, the best, average and standard deviation statistics are stored
in file resDir/best.xg.
Each line contains the generation number, eventualy the evaluation count
(depending on parameter useEval
then the statistics. Default is false.
Section ######
Output - Graphical ######
This last section on Output contains parameters
related to graphical output (only available in Unix through gnuplot at
the moment).
# --plotBestStat=0 # Plot
Best/avg Stat
Boolean parameter:
toggles gnuplot output of best and average plots (Linux only at the moment).
is false.
# --plotFDCStat=0 # Plot
FDC scatter plot
Boolean parameter:
toggles the Fitness Distance Correlation plot (Fitness vs distance to best).
is false.
# --plotHisto=0 # Plot histogram
of fitnesses
Boolean parameter:
if on, gnuplot is used to plot the sorted population (fitness vs rank).
Gives a graphical idea of the diversity. Default
is false.
Section ######
Persistence ######
This section contains parameters handling job
dump and restart mechanism.
# --Load= # -L : A save file
to restart from
String parameter:
if present, the initial population (and the RNG) is read from indicated
file. That file must
come from a previous save (or must be in same format!), i.e. must contain
a popualtion, the RNG and all parameters. If no other parameter is modified,
using a previously saved population and RNG will give exactly the same
results than having run that previous run longer. And a way to be sure
to re-use the same parameters is to ... use that very save file as parameter
file, as it contains all actual parameters in the right format.
Note that if not enough individuals are read,
the remaining are randomly initialized. No
default value.
# --recomputeFitness=0 #
-r : Recompute the fitness after re-loading the pop.?
Boolean parameter:
in case some individuals are read from a file, their fitness is read too.
If this one is true, it is nevertheless recomputed. Default
is false i.e. use fitnes that's in the file.
# --saveFrequency=0 # Save
every F generation (0 = only final state, absent = never)
Integer parameter:
interval between two dump to disk of the whole population (+RNG + parameters),
in a file named genNN.sav in the dirRes
directory, where NN is the generation number. If this prameter is present
(even with 0 or negative value), the final population will always be saved,
whatever the reason for stopping. Hence the only way to avoid all saves
is to omit the parameter (there is no default
# --saveTimeInterval=0 #
Save every T seconds (0 or absent = never)
Integer parameter:
time interval between two population (+RNG + parameters) dumps to disks.
Files are names timeNN.sav. See pervious parameter description for ore
details. No default value.
# --status=t-eoGA.status
# Status file
String parameter:
name of the status file (that contains all parameters in the input format).
There is no way to avoid creating that file except recompiling ... or giving
the name /dev/null (Unix). Default value is ProgramName.status
Section ######
Stopping criterion ######
This section allows to decide when the algorithm
will stop.
# --maxGen=100 # -G : Maximum
number of generations (0 = none)
Integer parameter: maximum number of generations.
A value of 0 disables that stopping criterion. Default
is 100.
# --steadyGen=100 # -s :
Number of generations with no improvement
Integer parameter:
stops whenever that number of generations is passed without any improvement
of the best fitness in the population, provided the following minimum number
of generations has been done. No default value.
# --minGen=0 # -g : Minimum
number of generations
Integer parameter: the above steadyGen parameter
starts its job only after that minimum nuber of generations is passed.
default value.
# --maxEval=0 # -E : Maximum
number of evaluations (0 = none)
Integer parameter:
maximum number of generations.
No default
# --targetFitness=0 # -T
: Stop when fitness reaches
Real-valued parameter:
the algorithm stops whenever the best fitness reaches that target. No
default value.
# --CtrlC=0 # -C : Terminate
current generation upon Ctrl C
Boolean parameter:
if true, Ctrl C only stops after the current generation as completed (eventually
dumping population to a file if some saver is active). This very useful
feature is only available in Unix at the moment. Default
is false.
User's guide:Bistring
specific parameters
The following describes the specific parameters that are available
in program BitEA to evolve genotypes that are bitstrings.
The two representation-dependent sections are concerned repectively
with genotype initilization and variation operators.
Section ######
Genotype Initialization ######
This section should allow input if all necessary
parameters for genitype initialization
# --ChromSize=10 # -n : The
length of the bitstrings
Integer parameter:
The bitstring initilization only requires the length of the chromosome.
Section ######
Variation Operators ######
This section allows to tune the way the variation
operators will be applied to the individuals (in the strict limit of SGA
model at the moment, see below).
# --operator=SGA # -o : Description
of the operator (SGA only now)
String parameter:
Describes the way the operators are applied. At the moment, only
SGA is available. SGA sequentially
applies a (quadratic) crossover operator with probability pCross
and a mutation operator with probability pMut.
Both these operators can in turn be proportional
combinations of simple operators of the
same arity.
# --pCross=0.6 # -C : Probability
of Crossover
Floating-point parameter:
The probability that a given couple of selected genitors is applied the
crossover operator. In SGA operator model, each couple of selected genitors
is applied the crossover operator with that probability (and remains unchanged
with probability 1-pCross.
Whenever a couple undergoes crossover, a choice is made upon available
crossover operators proportionaly to their
relative rates (see below). Default
is 0.6.
# --pMut=0.1 # -M : Probability
of Mutation
Floating-point parameter:
The probability that a given individual (resulting from a crossover or
a non-crossover operation, see above) is applied the mutation operator.
Whenever an individual undergoes mutation, a choice is made upon available
mutation operators proportionaly to their
relative rates (see below). Default
is 0.1.
# --onePointRate=1 # -1 :
Relative rate for one point crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the 1-point crossover relatively
to 2-point and uniform below (see pCross
parameter). Default is 1.
# --twoPointRate=1 # -2 :
Relative rate for two point crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the 2-point crossover relatively
to 1-point above and uniform below (see pCross
parameter). Default is 1.
# --uRate=2 # -U : Relative
rate for uniform crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the 1-point crossover relatively
to 1- and 2-point above (see pCross
parameter). Default is 2.
# --pMutPerBit=0.01 # -b
: Probability of flipping 1 bit in bit-flip mutation
Floating-point parameter:
When bit-flip mutation
is applied, each bit is flipped independently with probability pMutPerBit.
# --bitFlipRate=0.01 # -s
: Relative rate for bit-flip mutation
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the bit-flip mutation relatively
to one-Bit mutation below (see pMut
above). Default is 0.01
(if all relative rates are equal, the choice is uniform among available
# --oneBitRate=0.01 # -d
: Relative rate for deterministic bit-flip mutation
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the one-bit mutation relatively
to bit-flip mutation below (see pMut
above). One-bit mutation flips one and only one bit, uniformly chosen in
the individual. Default is 0.01
(if all relative rates are equal, the choice is uniform among available
User's guide:Real-valued
specific parameters
To run your own real-valued application, write your fitness function
(see real_value.h),
recompile, and run from the command line
Section ######
Genotype Initialization ######
This section should allow input if all necessary
parameters for genitype initialization
# --vecSize=10 # -n : The
number of variables
Integer parameter:
The initilization requires the length of the vector<double>.
# --initBounds=10[-1,1] #
-B : Bounds for uniform initialization
Bounds parameter:
Bounds for uniform initialization of the real variables. The syntax for
this parameter given in the objectBounds
parameter description below. This argument is mandatory, furthermore the
given bounds must be bounded.
default is [-1,1] for all variables.
Note that this parameter is independent of the objectBounds
parameter below.
# --sigmaInit=0.3 # -s :
Initial value for Sigma(s)
Floating-point parameter:
The initial value for all standard-deviation mutation strategy parameters.
Useless when no self-adaptive mutation mechanism is used.
Section ######
Variation Operators ######
This section allows to tune the way the variation
operators will be applied to the individuals (in the strict limit of SGA
model at the moment, see below).
# --objectBounds=10[-inf,+inf]
# -B : Bounds for variables
Bounds parameter:
Bounds for object variables. The syntax for this parameter is a succession
of (optionally semi-colon separated) items of the form N[min,Max]where
the optional integer N
indicates how many variables have the given bounds. min
and Max
are either floating point numbers, or -inf
(resp. +inf)
to indicate unbounded direction. If not enough bounds are provided, the
remaining variables will have the same bounds as the last bounds given.
This argument is mandatory, and
is [-inf,+inf], i.e. unbounded variables.
equivalent to simply [-1,1]
or to the extended [-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1][-1,1].
And [-1,1];2[0,1];[-inf,10]results
in the first variable staying in [-1,1], the second and the third in [0,1]
and all remaining variables below 10.
# --operator=SGA # -o : Description
of the operator (SGA only now)
String parameter:
Describes the way the operators are applied. At the moment, only
SGA is available. SGA sequentially
applies a (quadratic) crossover operator with probability pCross
and a mutation operator with probability pMut.
Both these operators can in turn be proportional
combinations of simple operators of the
same arity.
# --pCross=0.6 # -C : Probability
of Crossover
Floating-point parameter:
The probability that a given couple of selected genitors is applied the
crossover operator. In SGA operator model, each couple of selected genitors
is applied the crossover operator with that probability (and remains unchanged
with probability 1-pCross.
Whenever a couple undergoes crossover, a choice is made upon available
crossover operators proportionaly to their
relative rates (see below). Default
is 0.6.
# --pMut=0.1 # -M : Probability
of Mutation
Floating-point parameter:
The probability that a given individual (resulting from a crossover or
a non-crossover operation, see above) is applied the mutation operator.
Whenever an individual undergoes mutation, a choice is made upon available
mutation operators proportionaly to their
relative rates (see below). Default
is 0.1.
# --alpha=0 # -a : bound
for combination factor in real crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Bound for the choices of linear combination factors in both crossover belows
(similar to BLX-alpha notation). Default is
0 (i.e. combination factor are chosen in [0,1]).
# --segmentRate=1 # -s :
Relative rate for segment crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of application of the segment crossover relatively
to hypercube and uniform crossovers (see pCross
parameter). Segment crossover generates offspring uniformly on the segment
joining both parents, i.e. constructs two linear combinations of the parents
with a random number uniformly drawn in [alpha,1+alpha].
is 1.
# --hypercubeRate=1 # -A
: Relative rate for hypercube crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of application of the hypercube crossover relatively
to segment and uniform crossovers (see pCross
parameter). Hypercube crossover generates offspring uniformly on the hypercube
whose diagonal is the segment joining both parents, i.e. by doing linear
combinations of each variable independently (a random number in [alpha,1+alpha]
is drawn anew for each variable). Default
is 1.
# --uxoverRate=1 # -A : Relative
rate for uniform crossover
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of application of the segment crossover relatively
to hypercube and segment crossovers (see pCross
parameter). Uniform crossover simply exchanges values of variables, i.e.
uniformly picks up two other summits of the hypercube defined by the parents.
is 1.
# --epsilon=0.01 # -e : Half-size
of interval for Uniform Mutation
Floating-point parameter:
The uniform and deterministic-uniform mutations will choose values of variable
X uniformly in [X-epsilon,
is 0.01.
# --uniformMutRate=1 # -u
: Relative rate for uniform mutation
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the uniform mutation relatively
to determinitic uniform and the normal mutations (see pMut
above). Uniform mutation modifies all variables by choosing new values
uniformly on an interval centered on the old value of width 2*epsilon
(see above). Default is1.
# --detMutRate=1 # -d : Relative
rate for deterministic uniform mutation
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the determinisitc-uniform mutation relatively
to uniform and normal mutations (see pMut
above). Deterministic-uniform mutation modifies one single variable uniformly
based on epsilon epsilon.
# --normalMutRate=1 # -d
: Relative rate for Gaussian mutation
Floating-point parameter:
Rate of aplication of the normal mutation relatively
to two uniform mutations above (see pMut
above). Default is1.
# --sigma=0.3 # -s : Sigma
(fixed) for Gaussian mutation
Floating-point parameter:
The value of standard deviation for Gaussian mutation - fixed along evolution
(see the Evolution Strategy program below for self-adaptive mutations).
User's guide:ES
with self-adative mutation parameters
To run your own SA-ES application, write your fitness function
(see real_value.h),
recompile, and run from the command line
Section ######
ES mutation ######
This section allows to decide which type of self-adaptive
mutation will be used. There are three available types: isotropic mutation,
using one standard deviation for each individual, that will be applied
to all variables; anisotropic mutation, where each individual carries as
many standard deviations as it has variables; and correlated mutation where
each individuals has its own full correlation matrix.
# --Isotropic=1 # -i : Isotropic
self-adaptive mutation
Boolean parameter:
If true, at least one self-adaptive parameter will be used for each individual.
is true.
# --Stdev=0 # -s : One self-adaptive
stDev per variable
Boolean parameter:
If true, at least one self-adaptive parameter per variable will be used
for each individual. Default is false.
# --Correl=0 # -c : Use correlated
Boolean parameter:
If true, full correalted self-adaptive mutation will be used for each individual.
is false.
Note: The default values result in an isotropic self-adaptive mutation to be chosen.
Section ######
Variation Operators ######
Only the parameters that are specific to ESEA
are presented here - the objectBounds,operator,pCross
and pMut
are exactly the same as for RealEA
# --crossType=global # -C
: Type of ES recombination (global or standard)
String parameter:
Es crossover can involve only two parents - and it is then identical to
the standard
hypercube crossover describe for the RealEA
parameters above. But new parents can also be chosen anew for each variable
before doing the crossover for that variable - and this is called global
# --crossObj=discrete # -O
: Recombination of object variables (discrete or intermediate)
String parameter:
There are two possible crossovers in plain ES. The discrete
crossover simpy exchanges variables among the parents. It is similar to
the plain uniform crossover for real variables. The crossover performs
a linear combination of parents;variables - it si similar to the hypercube
crossover described for with alpah parameter set to 0. This parameter
allso to choose the type of crossover that will be applied to the object
variables (i.e. the origianl variables
of the problem). Default is discrete.
# --crossStdev=intermediate
# -S : Recombination of mutation strategy parameters (intermediate or discrete)
String parameter:
This parameter allows to choose the type of crossover (see above) that
will be applied to the mutation strategy
parameters that are part of the genotype.
is intermediate.
# --TauLoc=1 # -l : Local
Tau (before normalization)
Floating-point parameter:
The local factor for the mutation of the mutation strategy parameters (the
only one used when a single standard deviation is used). Default
is 1.
# --TauGlob=1 # -g : Global
Tau (before normalization)
Floating-point parameter:
The global factor for the mutation of the mutation strategy parameters
(only useful when more than one standard deviation are used). Default
is 1.
# --Beta=0.0873 # -b : Beta
Floating-point parameter:
The factor for the mutation of the rotation angles in the case of the full
correlated mutation. Default is 0.0873
(following Schwefel).
At the moment, you will have to browse in the source (colored!) code (Bit - Real) almost by yourself, sorry.
Note that the main file is now very slim, as it only contains calls to some make_xxx functions - these functions contain the actual code, very similar to the code of Lesson3, except for the memory management, performed through an eoState object (notice that all make_xxx calls have an eoState as second parameter).
Programmer's guide: The make_xxx files
Interface: all make_xxx files have as first two parameters an eoParser and an eoState. The eoParser is be used within all functions to parse the command-line and/or a parameter file in order to read any relevant user-parameter, while the eoState is used here to store all pointers to be allocated inside the function (see Programming hints for more detailed explanations).
There are 2 types of make_xxx
files: the ones that do depend on representation, defining the genotype
with xxx being the type of genotype) and variation operators (make_op_xxx),
and the one that are truly representation-independent (make_pop,
make_continue, make _checkpoint, make_algo and
The former are located in the directory corresponding to the actual
genotype (src/ga
for eoBit, src/es
for eoReal and all eoESxxx genotypes). The latter are in the directory
If you take a close look at the code of make_continue
for instance, you will first notice that ... the function declared there
is called do_make_continue
and is not the one you are calling in
the main file, though it has the same parameters as arguments.
The explanation lies within the file make_continue_xxx.cpp
(with xxx = ga or real/es)which, as its color (and name) should have
told you about, are representation-dependent: in fact the make_continue_xxx.cpp
files only instanciates the general <EOT> template into one of the possible
template for eoBit or eoReal/eoES - and this trick allows to compile
them separately!
The other thing that you should notice is that the code there is very similar to the code that was in Lesson 3, regarding parameter reading and type of object that are allocated - except for memory management. This goes for all make_xxx files - so the only thing you need to understand how it goes is to look at the memory management section.
Pros: you don't have to handle a
huge main function - and many of the make_xxx files can be directly used
in different applications (this is called modularity
More interesting, you can even compile
the make_xxx
files separately for a given target
template, and link them e.g. with your fitness function when it is ready
(remember that up to now you needed to compile everything altogether by
including the code into your mail fine). Indeed, if you do a global make,
you will notice that there are additional libraries compiled in src/ga
and src/es
Cons: It makes the code a little
more complex to understand, first because of the indirection needed for
pre-compilation with a given template, and second because of the memory
management that this imposes.
guide: Memory management
As already said, all functions have an eoState
as second argument - and that object is used to store the functor objects
that were simply declared as variables of the main function up to now :
see Programming hints for more
detailed explanations and take a look at the code of make_continue
for instance, you will see the implementation of the memory management
in action.
Programmer's guide: Memory management of eoParam objects
It has been seen in Lesson 3 that parameters could be read from command-line
and/or a parameter file using an eoParser
object. However, the memory mangement problem also concerns EO parameter
objects (eoParam):
the way there are read in Lesson3
makes them local variables of the function they are defined in.
It is however possible to ask the eoParser
to hold them, as done for instance in eoContinue for the maximum number
of generations. Local declaration would amount to something like :
int>& maxGenParam(100, "maxGen", "Maximum number of generations ()
= none)",'G');
maxGenParam, "Stopping criterion" );
unsigned maxGen =
while if you want the parser to hold those eoParam objects, you will write something like
eoValueParam<unsigned>& maxGenParam = _parser.createParam(unsigned(100), "maxGen", "Maximum number of generations () = none)",'G',"Stopping criterion");
and then use maxGenParam.value()
to get the value enterred by the user. In that case, you get a reference
to an eoParam object that is hold by the eoParser - and deleted whith it.
Note that there are two important differences
between the arguments of the constructor of an eoParam object and the method
createParam of an eoParser object: first, you need to provide the additional
section parameter (used only when outputting the eoParser); second you
make sure that the first argument is of the correct type otherwise the
compiler will complain.
Note that if you don't later need the eoParam, but simply its value, you can even diretly write
unsigned maxGen = _parser.createParam(unsigned(100), "maxGen", "Maximum number of generations () = none)",'G',"Stopping criterion").value();
Getting parameter values in different functions:
It is often useful (though probably very bad
programming style :-))) to be able to get the value of a user-defined
parameter in two different places of the code without passing it around
through many levels of call. You can then use the alternate function getORcreateParam
with exactly the same syntax than createParam.
Be careful that the link between both parameters is made through their
longmanes (second argument), and that you must so hard-code
that name in two different places with of course exactly the same spelling!!!
Examples can be found for instance
in the make_genotype_xxx files, for the sizes of the genotypes: it is often
the case that the definition of the optimization problem requires (or computes)
such size. The idea is then that you either read or compute that size,
then create a (dummy) parameter with the name that is used later in the
make_genotype file. For instance, for bitstrings, the make_genotype_ga.h
contains the following line defining the size of the bitstring
unsigned theSize = _parser.getORcreateParam(unsigned(10), "chromSize", "The length of the bitstrings", 'n',"Problem").value();
If you want to define that size earlier, you should write somewhere
unsigned requiredSize
= ... ;
"chromSize", "The length of the bitstrings", 'n',"Problem");
Of course, if that size is mandatory, you should NOT modify it at run-time by entering anther value !