General: Algorithm-Based
- Component-Based - Programming
hints - EO
Local: Introduction
- Selection - Replacement
- General Replacement - Popular
evolution engines - Tournaments - Merge
- Reduce - HowMany - SurviveAndDie
Evolution Engine
The term evolution engine denotes
the different parts of an Evolutionary Algorithm that simulate the Darwinism:
The fittest individuals are more likely to
reproduce and survive.
Darwinism takes place in two different phases of an EA, though in many
variants, only one phase is activated.
Selection is the Darwinistic choice of parents
that will be allowed to reproduce.
Replacement takes place after reproduction,
and is the Darwinistic choice of those individuals that will survive,
i.e. become the parents of the next generation.
Both selection and replacement will be discussed in turn, before some
helper classes that are used within selection and replacement procedures
are presented.
The very beginning of the generation loop is the selection phase, where
some individuals from the population are chosen to become the parents,
to be later modified by the variation operators and become the offspring.
This is the first step of the artificial Darwinism,
where the fittest individuals are allowed to reproduce.
Conceptually, there are two distinct ways to choose the lucky ones:
one by one from the very same population (i.e. with replacement), which
means that at the extreme the same individual can be chosen every time;
or as a whole, in some sort of batch procedure. Of course, repeated selection
of one individual results in a batch selection!
There are hence two basic EO classes for selection: eoSelectOne
and eoSelect, with different interfaces.
eoSelectOne: The
The abstract class for selection of a single individual from a population
is eoSelectOne, and the interface for its
const EOT & operator()(const eoPop<EOT>&
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoSelectOne.,
as you see there that eoSelectOne derives
from class eoUF<const eoPop<EOT>&,
const EOT&>.
This means that it takes 1 population
(without the right to modify it - see the const
keyword in argument) and returns a const reference to an individual (again,
the const keyword ensures
that nothing will happen to the individual in the population - remember
it returns a reference).
eoSelectOne: Instances
eoDetTournamentSelect uses
the (deterministic) tournament to choose one
individual. Its constructor has one parameter, the tournament size (integer
>= 2).
eoStochTournamentSelect uses
the binary stochastic tournament to choose
one individual. Its constructor has one parameter, the tournament rate
(real in [0.5,1]).
is the original roulette wheel selection:
each parent is selected with a probability proportional to its fitness.
eoRandomSelect is the random
selection and should give bad results! At the moment, it selects one individual
uniformly, but it would be easy to use any probability distribution.
eoSelect: The
The abstract class for batch selection of a whole set of individuals
from a population is eoSelect, and the interface
for its
operator() is
void operator()(const eoPop<EOT>&
_source, eoPop<EOT>& _dest)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoSelect.,
as you see there that eoSelect derives from
eoBF<const eoPop<EOT>&, eoPop<EOT>&, void>.
This means that it takes 2 populations,
and fills the second one with individuals from the first one without modifying
it (see the const keyword).
This raises two questions:
How does it know how many individuals to select?
How to use repeated selection of one individual (see above the eoSelectOne
eoSelect: HowMany
There are two ways an can derive the number of individuals it
has to select: either it is a fixed number, or it is some percentage of
the source population size (any positive real number). In both case, this
must be passed to the constructor. In most instances, however, the constructor
will accept a real number (double) and a boolean indicating whether this
real number should be used as an absolute integer or as a rate, thanks
to the eoHowMany class.
Note: an eoSelect
can select more individuals than there are in the original population.
It is the job of the replacement to ensure
that the population size does not grow along the generations.
eoSelectMany: Encapsulating
It is clear that repeated selection of a single individual is a way
to do batch selection. This is why it is possible to encapsulate an object
of class eoSelectOne into an object of class
using the class eoSelectMany. Class eoSelectMany
is derived from class eoSelect and takes in
its constructor an eoSelectOne (plus the number
of individuals it should select, according to the eoHowMany
Note: some procedures for selecting
a single individual require some pre-processing of the whole population
that takes place before any selection, and will be repeated identically
for every individual. The encapsulation of an into an allows
to call such technical processing only once through the use of method setup
of class . This method does nothing by default, but is mandatory
eoSelect: Other
eoDetSelect selects individuals
i.e. starting from the best ones down to the worse ones. If the total number
to select is less than the size of the source populations, the best individuals
are selected once. If more individuals are needed after reaching the bottom
of the population, then the selection starts again at top. It the total
number required is N times that of the source size, all individuals are
selected exactly N times.
No other instances of eoSelect that are not
encapsualtions of eoSelectOne procedures are
avaiable as of today (Jan. 4 2001).
The replacement phase takes place after the birth
of all offspring through variation operators. This is the second
step of the artificial Darwinism, where the
individuals are allowed to survive.
It can also be viewed on the algorithmic side as closing the generation
loop, i.e. building the population that will be the initial population
of next generation. That population will be built
upon the old parents and the new-born offspring. In all algorithms
that come up with EO, the population size
is supposed to be constant from one generation
to the next one - though nothing stops you from writing an algorithm with
varying population size.
Replacement: The
The abstract class for replacement procedures is the functor class
and the interface for its operator()
void operator()(eoPop<EOT>& _parents,
eoPop<EOT>& _offspring)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoReplacement.,
as you see there that eoReplacement derives
from class eoBF<eoPop<EOT>&, eoPop<EOT>&,
This means that it takes 2 populations
(called, for obvious anthropomorphic reasons, _parents and _offspring :-)
and is free to modify both, but the resulting population should be placed
in the first argument (usually called_parents) to close the loop and go
to next generation.
Replacement: Instances
eoGenerationalReplacement This
is the most straightforward replacement, called generational
replacement: all offspring replace all parents (used in Holland's
and Goldberg's traditional GAs). It takes no argument, and supposes
that offspring and parents are of the same size (but does not check!).
This is one the basic types of replacement in EO. It has two major steps,
both populations of parents and offspring, and reducing
this big population to the right size. It contains
two objects of respective types eoMerge
and eoReduce
and you can probably guess what each of them actually does :-)
Available instances of eoMergeReduce replacement
eoCommaReplacement, one of
the two standard strategies in Evolution Strategies,
the best offspring. It is an
eoPlusReplacement, the other
standard Evolution Startegies replacement,
where the best from offspring+parents
become the next generation. It is an eoMergeReduce(eoPlus,
eoEPReplacement, used in the
Evolutionary Programming historical algorithm, does an EP stochastic
tournament among parents + offspring. It is an eoMergeReduce(eoPlus,
eoEPReduce) and its constructor requires as argument T,
the size of the tournament (unsigned int).
eoReduceMerge is another important
type of eoReplacement: the parents are first reduced, and then merged with
the offspring. Note that the parent population is reduced of the exact
number of offspring.
Though not mandatory, it is implicitely assumed that few offspring
have been generated. Hence, all derived replacement procedures of class
are termed eoSSGAxxx, as they
are the ones to use in SteadyState Genetic Algorithm engine. This gives
the following instances of eoReduceMerge:
in which the worse parents are killed and replaced by all offsprings (no
additional argument needed);
in which parents to be killed are chosen by a (reverse) determinitic tournament.
Additional parameter (in the constructor) is the tournament size, an unsigned
in which parents to be killed are chosen by a (reverse) stochastic tournament.
Additional parameter (in the constructor) is the tournament rate, a double.
replacement strategies are a generalization of both the above that allows
strong elitist and eugenism in both the parent population and the offspring
population. The eoSurviveAndDie
building block takes one population, kills the worse and moves the best
to some safe place. The corresponding replacements apply an eoSurviveAndDie
to the parents, another one to the offspring, and finally merges the remaining
parents and offspring before reducing the resulting population to the right
size. Available instances of eoSurviveAndDieReplacement
are limited todayto the eoDeterministicSaDReplacement,
the that uses a deterministic MergeReduce.
Note: The basic use (and initial
motivation) for eoSurviveAndDie
takes 2 arguments, an eoMergeReduce and a number of surviving parents.
It starts by copying the best parents to the new populations, then merges
the remaining parents with the offspring before reducing to the number
of remaining seats in the new population.
Replacement: Adding
(weak) elitism
You can add what is called weak elitism
to any replacement by encapsulating it into an eoWeakElitismReplacement
object. Weak elitism ensures that the overall best
fitness in the population will never decrease:
if the best fitness in the new population is less than the best fitness
of the parent population, then the best parent is added back to the new
population, replacing the worse.
Within EO, this is very easy to add:
First, declare your replacement functor (here, generational, but it
can be any replacement object):
eoGenerationalReplacement<Indi> genReplace;
Then wrap the weak elitism around it:
eoWeakElitismReplacement<Indi> replace(genReplace);
and use now replace as your replacement procedure within your algorithm.
Note: of course, adding weak elitism to
an elitist replacement makes no sense - but will not harm either :-)
Replacement: Test
The file t-eoReplacement
in the test directory implements all
above replacement procedures within a very simple and easy-to-monitor Dummy
EO class.
Replacement: eoReduceMergeReduce
In an attempt to unify all the well-known replacements, plus most of
the less-known-though-often-used, the eoReduceMergeReduce
replacement has been designed, and supersedes all of the above instances.
It allows to implement strong elistism
(i.e. some parents survive, whatever their fitness and that of the offspring),
as well as multiple weak elistism (the best parents are put back in the
next population if they outperform the best offspring).
Basically, an eoReduceMergeReduce
starts by eventually preserving the (strong) elite parents, proceeds by
reducing both the parent and offspring populations, merges those populations,
and eventually reduces the resulting populations (augmented with the elite
parents) to the right size. Last, the weak elitism is taken care of if
The following image, taken from the graphical interface of EASEA, somehow
demonstrates the different parameters of an eoReduceMergeReduce.
eoReduceMergeReduce: The
Of course the interface is that of eoReplacement. Let's concentrate
on the constructor.
The constructor takes 6 arguments:
eoHowMany elite determines
the number of parents to be treated as elite (actual behavior determined
by next parameter) using the eoHowMany behavior.
bool strongElitism tells whether
the elite above corresponds to strong (true) or false(weak) elitism.
Note: the case of no elitism is
obtained by setting elite to 0
eoHowMany reducedParents gives
the number of parents remaining after reducing them
Note: 0 means that no parent survive
(except the possible elite), as in eoCommaReplacement
-1 is used inside eoSSGAReplacements
(one parent is killed to make room for the newborn)
eoReduce<EOT> & reduceParents
indicates how the parents will be reduced (see available
eoHowMany reducedOffspring gives
the number of offspring remaining after reducing them
Note: 0 is impossible (no evolution!!!)
eoReduce<EOT> & reduceOffspring
indicates how the offspring will be reduced (see available
eoReduce<EOT> & reduceFinal
indicates how the merged reduced-parents/reduced-offspring will be reduced
(see available instances).
Note: the number of individuals
remaining after that reduction is of course the original size of the population.
All popular evolution engines use some replacement procedure that can be
viewed as an instance of an eoReduceMergeReduce.
Moreover, a parser-based input
of a general is proposed in file do/make_checkpoint.h.
evolution engines
The most popular evolution engines are listed below, together with the
way to use them in EO. If you don't find your particuler algorithm, please
send it to us, and we might include it here! In the following, P will denote
the number of individuals in the initial population.
Generational Genetic Algorihtm:
popularized by Holland (75) and Goldberg (89), it uses
Number of offspring:
Selection: Proportional
(the historical roulette wheel) when maximizing
a positive scalar fitness, ranking or
tournament (stochatic or deterministic) in all cases.
Replacement: Generational.
Remark: You could
use also the eoCommaReplacement,
with exactly the same result as there are as many offspring as we need
indiviudals in the next population. And using the eoSSGAWorseReplacement
would also give the same result, but would be very inefficient!
You can also add weak
elitism to preserve the best individual.
Steady-State Genetic Algorithm:
widely used in GA/GP community
Number of offspring:
small (historically, 1)
Selection: tournament
(you can use ranking or proportional, but it will be rather inefficient).
Replacement: An
Remark: You can
also use the eoPlusReplacement, but you divert from the original SSGA
(MU+Lambda)-Evolution Strategy:
The elitist ES strategy (Rechenberg 71 and Schwefel 81)
Number of offspring:
Selection: eoDetSelect
(batch deterministic).
Replacement: eoPlusReplacement
Remark: You could
also use eoEPReplacement, to smoothen the selective pressure during replacement,
thus getting close to EP evolution engine
(MU,Lambda)-Evolution Strategy:
The non-elitist ES strategy
Number of offspring:
> P
Selection: eoDetSelect
(batch deterministic).
Replacement: eoCommaReplacement
Remark: You can
also add weak elitism to preserve the best individual
- though you'd probably use the plus strategy if you want (strong) elitism.
Evolutionary Programming:
The historical method of L. Fogel (65)
Number of offspring:
Selection: eoDetSelect
(batch deterministic). Every individual reproduces exactly once.
Replacement: eoEPReplacement,
though one historical replacement was the determnistic replacement - i.e.
in EO the eoPlusReplacement).
Remark: Close to
an (P+P)-ES
You name it :-):
you can of course choose whatever combination you like - respecting a few
constraints and common-sense remarks. For instance, eoProportionalSelect
should be used only when maximizing a positive fitness, eoCommaReplacement
requires more offspring than parents, and, over all, existing EO algorithms
wirk with fixed size population - and it is your responsability to use
a cmbinatino of selection/replacement that fulfills this requirement (or
to create your own eoAlgo that handles varying size populations).
Tournaments are an easy and quick way to select
individuals within a population based on simple comparisons. Though usually
based on fitness comparisons, they can use any comparison operator.
In EO, there are two variants of tournaments used to select one single
individual, namely Deterministic Tournament
and Stochastic Tournament,
that are used in selection and in replacement procedures, and a global
tournament-based selection of a whole bunch of individuals, the EP
Tournament. Though the single-selection tournaments can
be repeated to select more than one individual, and the batch tournament
selection can be used to select a single individual, both uses are probably
a waste of CPU time.
Tournament of size T returns the best of T uniformly chosen
individuals in the population. Its size T should be an integer >= 2. It
is implemented in the eoDetTournamentSelect
class, a sub-class of eoSelectOne, as well as in the eoDetTournamentTruncate
class that repeatidly removes from the population the "winner" of the inverse
tournament. These objects use the C++ function determinitic_tournament
in selectors.h.
Stochastic Tournament
of rate R first choses two individuals from the population, and selects
the best one with probability R (the worse one with probability 1-R). Real
parameter R should be in [0.5,1]. It is implemented in the eoStochTournamentSelect
class, a sub-class of eoSelectOne, as well as in the eoStochTournamentTruncate
class that repeatidly removes from the population the "winner" of the inverse
tournament. These objects use the C++ function determinitic_tournament
in selectors.h.
Note: A stochastic tournament with
rate 1.0 is strictly identical to a deterministic tournament of size 2.
EP Tournament
of size T is a global tournament: it works by assigning a score to all
individuals in the population the following way: starting with a score
of 0, each individual I is "opposed" T times to a uniformly chosen individual.
Everytime I wins, its score in incremented by 1 (and by 0.5 for every draw).
The individuals are then selected deterministically based on their scores
from that procedure. The EP Tournament
is implemented in the eoEPReduce
truncation method used in the eoEPReplacement
Note: whereas both the determinitic
and the stochastic tournament select one individual, the EP tournament
is designed for batch selection. Of course it could be used to select a
single individual, but at a rather high computational cost.
In replacement procedures, one frequently needs to merge two populations
(computed form old parents and new-born offspring). Classes derived from
the abstract class eoMerge are written for that purpose.
eoMerge: interface
The abstract class for merging procedures is the functor class
and the interface for its operator()
void operator()(const eoPop<EOT>&
_parents, eoPop<EOT>& _offspring)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoMerge,
as you see there that eoMerge derives from
class eoBF<const eoPop<EOT>&, eoPop<EOT>&,
This means that it takes 2 populations
and modifies the seond one by adding some individuals from the first one
(which is supposed to remain constant).
eoMerge: instances
Available instances of eoMerge objects
are eoPlus, that simply adds
the parents to the offspring, or eoElitism,
that adds only some of the (best) parents to the offspring. A special case
of eoElistism is eoNoElitism,
an eoMerge that does nothing.
The other useful component of replacement procedures, eoReduce,
some individuals from a given population.
eoReduce: interface
The abstract class for reducing procedures is the functor class
and the interface for its operator()
void operator()(eoPop<EOT>& _parents,
unsigned int new_size)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoReduce,
as you see there that eoReduce derives from
class eoBF<eoPop<EOT>&, unsigned
int, void>.
An eoReduce shoud take a
population and shrink it to the required size.
eoReduce: instances
Available instances of eoReduce are
eoTruncate, deterministically
kills the worse individuals, keeping only the required number. It starts
by sorting teh populations, and hence does modify
its order.
eoLinearTruncate, deterministically
kills the worse individuals, keeping only the required number. It does
so by repeatedly removing the worsr individual. Hence does not
modify its order, but takes longer time than eoTruncate
in case of many offspring.
eoEPReduce, uses the EP
stochastic tournament to reduce the population. It requires an additinal
argument, the tournament size.
eoDetTournamentTruncate uses
inverse deterministic tournament to repeatidly kill one individual until
the propoer size is reached. As eoLinearTruncate,
it might take some time in the case of many offspring. It requires the
size of the tournament (unsigned int)
as parameter in the constructor (default is 2).
uses inverse stochastic tournament to repeatidly kill individuals from
the population. It requires the rate of the tournament (double)
as parameter in the constructor (default is 0.75).
Choosing a number of individuals
Many classes in selection/replacement procedures will handle a number
of individuals that may either be fixed or be related to some argument-population
Of course, it is possible to write different classes that will only
differ by the way they compute the number of individuals they have to treat,
as it is done for selectors with the two classes eoSelectPerc
and eoSelectNumber (it could also have been
possible to have some pure abstrat class and implement the computation
of the number of individuals to treat in some derived classes).
However, the class eoHowMany
allows one to handle in a single class three different behaviors when given
a poopulatio size as argument:
return a given rate of the argument population size
return an absolute (unsigned) integer, whatever the argument population
return the argument population size minus a given number
eoHowMany: interface
The class interface for its operator()
unsigned int operator()(unsigned int _pop_size)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoHowMany,
as you see there that eoHowMany
derives from
class eoUF<unsigned int, unsigned int>.
It has 3 possible constructors, that determine its behavior:
eoHowMany(double _rate, bool _interpret_as_rate
= true) where _rate
is by default the fixed rate of behavior 1 above. However, if the boolean
second argument is false, the rate is transformed into a positive integer,
and is used for behavior 2 above
eoHowMany(int _combien): if
is positive, it is the absolute number of behavior 2 above, and if _combien
is negative, its absolute value is used to decrease the argument population
in behavior 3 above
eoHowMany(unsigned int _combien):
(positive!) is the absolute number of behavior 2 above. Note
that this constructor is mandatory to avoid ambiguity, as an unsigned int
can be casted to either an int or a double.
It is used in eoSelectMany (which supersedes
and eoSelectNumber, but they are left there
for tutorial reasons!) as well as in many truncation
methods, and it is used a lot in the eoGeneralReplacement construct.
Survive and
This class is highly politically incorrect: it implements strong elitism
and eugenism :-)
It starts by killing the worse individuals from the source argument,
then appends the best ones to the destination argument and removes them
from the source argument. It is used in eoSurviveAndDieReplacement,
where the same dest is used successively for the parents and the offspring.
eoSurviveAndDie: interface
The class interface for its operator()
void operator()(eoPop<EOT>& _source,
eoPop<EOT>& _dest)
which you could have guessed from the inheritance tree for class eoSurviveAndDie,
as you see there that eoSurviveAndDie
derives from class eoBF<eoPop<EOT>&,
eoPop<EOT>&, void>.
Its constructor takes 3 argumenrts:
eoHowMany(double _survive, double _die,
bool _interpret_as_rate = true)
to indicate how many (or what proportion, according to _interpret_as_rate)
of the source should be copied to the dest population, and how many (or
what proportion, according to _interpret_as_rate)
should be erased from the source.
Local: Introduction
- Selection - Replacement
- General Replacement - Popular
evolution engines - Tournaments - Merge
- Reduce - HowMany - SurviveAndDie
General: Algorithm-Based
- Component-Based - Programming
hints - EO
Marc Schoenauer
modified: Tue. Jan. 9 2001