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Tutorial Lesson 3: input/output
In this lesson, you will still use the same Evolutionary Algorithm, BUT
in a much more user-friendly way. You
will discover how to
input parameters on the command-line or from a text
save the population to disk, together with every part
of the algorithm you could think of - so you can decide to reload
everything later to continue the same run, eventually with different parameters.
generate statistics on the populations, and output
them to the screen, text or graphic, or to a file (or to any other
device you might want to use).
First, but you should now have done it without being told, go into the
sub-dir of the tutorial dir and type
This will compile the SecondBitEA
and SecondRealEA
You can then either
As already said, the behavior of the algorithm
will be exactly the same as the previous one as far as optimization is
concerned. Only the input (of algorithm parameters) and output (of program
results) will be very different.
Hence, the sections corresponding to the fitness
function, the initialization, the
operators, the evolution engine
and the algorithm itself are
almost identical (apart from variable name changes).
Fitness function:
there is an additional line
after the encapsulation of our binary_function
into an eoEvalFunc
object, which again encapsulate the eoEvalFunc
into an eoEvalFuncCounter.
As its name says, this object will, in addition to computing the fitness,
count the actual
number of evaluations: the fitness of non-modified individuals is of course
not recomputed - and this is taken care of by this object. Moreover, it
can be later used for displays
in eoMonitor objects, as done in the checkpoint
The initialization
section has been extended to account for the possibility to re-load
a previously saved population. This is achieved
through an eoState object, if the corresponding program
parameter is set.
operators and the evolution engine
sections are similar to the ones in Lesson2
The parameter
section is completely different from the previous one. All variables
corresponding to program parameters
are now read at run-time using an object of class eoParser.
The stopping criterion
section, has in fact now become the checkpoint section, as it involves
much more than just stopping criteria. See all details in the eoCheckpoint
paragraph below.
parameter input
The first two examples of Lessons 1 and 2 had
a very crude way to set parameter values: they were hard-coded, and you
had to recompile the whole program to change a single value. We shall now
see now to set parameter values in a flexible way (though we're still looking
for volunteers to create a Graphical User Interface :-)
Two base classes are used for that purpose:
The eoValueParam
class, templatized by the type of the variable
you want to handle (i.e. iinteger,
double, yourPrivateClass, ...). In
this lesson, we will not go into details: e.g. we will not tell you that
is actually a templatized sub-class of abstract class eoParam (oops, I
said it!), nor will we deal with parameters outside their use from an eoParser.
See the parameter section of the Component-Based tutorial, or wait until
The eoParser
class, whose only purpose is the input of parameters. Read its
description if you are interested.
Modifying parameter values at run-time:
Using an eoParser object, the parameter values
are read, by order of priority
from the command-line
from a text file
from the environment (forthcoming, if somebody insists)
from default values
The syntax of parameter reading is a keyword-based
syntax, now traditional in the Unix world:
in EO, each parameter is designated by a (long) keyword,
and optionally by a short (1 character) keyword.
the general syntax to modify parameter value at run-time is (either from
the command-line or in a text file)
or -cvalue
if 'c' is the short keyword (though -c=value
also works)
so, after compiling the executable for Lesson 3 (make
lesson3 at system prompt in Unix), you can try to type
and see the algorithm run as before (OneMax optimized on 8-bits bitstrings).
But you can now type in
SecondBitEA --vecSize=100
and see the output of the optimization of OneMax on 100-bit bitstrings.
Take a look at all available parameters by typing in
SecondBitEA --help
or by going into the code: all parameter inputs have been grouped in
read_param function.
After running the algorithm, a new file has been created, named SecondBitEA.status:
it contains the list of all actual parameters used, and can directly be
used as parameter input file: change the file name (e.g. to SecondBitEA.param),
edit it, change whichever parameter you want, and type in
SecondBitEA @SecondBitEA.param
and you will see all values that you defined into the file taken into
The priority remains to the command-line,
so you can still override the values in the parameter file by giving a
new value directly on the command-line.
Programming parameter input:
The code of SeconBitEA provides examples of parameters reading. Lets
take the example of the random number
generator seed.
Of course, you first need to declare
an eoParser object (it needs the standard argc and argv in its constructor).
You must first declare a parameter
of type uint32 (32-bits integer).
The arguments are: default value, long keyword, comment (that will appear
in the help message and in the output "status" file if any) and optional
character keyword.
Then you must pass it to the parser
using the processParam method. The optional argument is a section name,
that will be used to make the output of the parser look clean and ordered.
Finally, you need to assign the
value to the variable seed.
Note that the value() method
of eoParam returns a reference, so you can eventually modify its value
somewhere else later (though of course this is not any useful for variable
There is however another way to achieve the same result in less lines of
code - with a different memory management. This is what is done in the
code for eoRealEA. The same parameter for the random
number generator seed
is read, but in one single line of code.
The only difference is that now you cannot access the eoValueParam object
itself - but this is not often necessary.
Be careful to ensure that the type of the default value in the call
to eoParameterLoader::createParam
method as this is the only way the compiler can desambiguate the template
(remember that eoParameterLoader is a
base class for eoParser.
saving and loadingYou might have
noticed in the read_param
described above a new parameter
named load_name.
Now if you go to the init section of
the code, you will see an alternative way of initializing
the population: if load_name is an empty string,
then we do as in the preceding example and use an eoInitFixedLength object.
However, if a load_name name was entered, the population is read through
the inState.load(load_name)
instruction. Moreover, the comment says "Loading pop and
This is made possible using the eoState
class. eoState
objects maintain references to eoObjects
that have both an input method (readFrom)
and an output method (printOn),
i.e. that derive from the base class eoPersistent.
You must first register
object into a state, and can then save them to a (text) file, and later
read them from that file using the load
method, as done here.
Of course, you can call the save
method for an eoState
object anywhere in the code. But the checkpointing
mechanism offers you better ways to do that - and it's so easy ....
Note that an eoState alos has another use in EO whan it comes to memory
management: it can be a repository of pointers that are not allocated within
obects - allowing to delete them by simply deleting the eoState (see Lesson
every generation I'd like to ...
The checkpointing mechanism is a very powerful
construct to perform some systematic actions
every generation - like saving things
(using eoState objects described above), computing statistics
on the population, updating
dynamical parameters or displaying
objects are eoContinue
objects that contain pointers to different
types of objects. When their operator()
method is called (i.e. every generation in the examples up to now), they
first call the operator()
methods of all object they contain, and then return their result as an
object (i.e. should we continue or stop).
Programming: To
do something every generation, you simply need to add
an object whose operator()
does what you want to the eoState that you will use as continuator in the
The eoContinue
part of an eoCheckpoint
is a single object, passed to the
constructor. If you want more that one stopping criterion, use an eoCombinedContinue
object as described in Lesson2.
eoCheckpoint: Computing
Statistics are computed using eoStat
objects, i.e. functor objects whose operator()
receives as argument a reference to a population as argument, and can hence
compute whatever is needed over that population. eoStat
objects are templatized
over the type of what they compute (e.g. double,
or pair<double>,
or ...). But looking at the inheritance
diagram of the eoStat
class, you find that eoStat
objects are also eoValueParam
objects. And this allows eoStat
to be used within eoMonitor
object, and hence displayed
to the user!
Statistics: Available
Some widely used statistics are already available (and of course you
can build you own!).
eoBestFitnessStat returns
the fitness value of the best individual in the population (of type FitnessType,
whatever this is).
eoAverageStat and eoSecondMomentStat
respectively return the average (type double, assumes that FitnessType
is castable to a double) and a pair made of the average and the standard
deviation (type pair<double>)
of the fitnesses in the populations.
eoDiversityStat returns the
diversity in the population: assuming that there is a distance function
defined among individuals, it returns the average inter-individuals distance.
See also Exercise 2.
Statistics: Adding
to the checkpoint
To compute more statistics when your algorithm is running, simply declare
the corresponding eoStat objects, and add
them to the eoCheckpoint you
use in the algorithm. But it hardly makes any sense if you don't monitor
those statistics (i.e. either displaying them on the screen, or storing
them into a file): see next section!
Note: actually, there are 2 distinct
classes that compute and give access to statistics: eoStatand
As its name indicate, the latter is used whenever computing the statistics
require a sorted population: not only this avoids to sort the population
many times, but also it avoids changing the order of the population at
all as eoSortedStat objects
work on a temporary vector of fitnesses . But as
far as their usage is concerned, its makes no difference.
eoCheckpoint: Monitoring
The eoMonitor
objects are used to display or store to a file a set of eoValueParam
Monitors: Available
A few monitors are available in the EO distribution:
eoStdoutMonitor displays its
parameters in text format on the screen. The
(optional) boolean value in the constructor modifies the output: when true
(the default), verbose output is used, with one line per parameter. When
false, parsimonious output displays one line for all parameters.
eoFileMonitor writes its parameters
in text format in a file. A file name is required
in the constructor, and an optional separator character can be added (default
is ' '). Note that the file is by default overwritten by next call to the
same program, unless you pass "true" as third (optional) boolean parameter,
which will result in appending to the file if it ever exists.
eoGnuplot1DMonitor displays
its parameters in graphical format on the screen
by calling the gnuplot program,
and as of today, only works in the Unix version of EO (as always, volunteers
are welcome to port that to MS Windows). It takes an optional filename
as input, as communication of data with gnuplot
is done through a file. If no filename is provided, the file will be erased
at the end of the run, while it is otherwise kept (though it will be overwritten
by next call to the same program).
Monitors: Adding
to the checkpoint
To display something while the algorithm is running, you need to declare
an eoMonitor object, add
some objects (that must be eoValueParam
objects) to that monitor, and of course add
the monitor to the eoCheckpoint
you use in the algorithm.
eoCheckpoint: Updating
The last type of objects that eoCheckpoint
can handle are eoUpdater
objects. You should simply encapsulate in an eoUpdater
anything you wish to do which does not fit into one of the above category.
Note that their operator() method
does not receive any argument.
Updater: Available
instances: A few updaters are available in the EO distribution:
eoIncrementor A simple updater
which maintains a counter (an eoValueParam
that needs to be created beforehand, and passed in the constructor). It
is incremented every time the operator()
method is called (every generation at the moment). You can of course also
give an increment in the constructor (1 by default).
and eoTimedStateSaver can
be used to save some existing eoState
(see above) to a file regularly, either based on the
generation count (e.g. every 4 generations) or based on the clock (e.g.
every 5 seconds).
Updater: Adding to
the checkpoint
A very simple example of using an eoUpdater
is given in the code for SecondBitEA: First declare
an eoValueParam object, then
it to construct an eoIncrementor
that you must add to the eoCheckpoint
in order to activate its update. You can then use the parameter for your
purpose, for instance as a first coordinate for a monitor.
Note also how to use the statesavers: first declare
a state, then register
whatever you think necessary to that state, then pass
the state to some state-saver - and don't forget to add
the statesavers to the current eoCheckpoint.
Exercise 1:
The code of SecondBitEA
display things in the current window in text format. Replace the eoFileMonitor
by an eoGnuplot1DMonitor
and watch the graphical output (Unix
systems with gnuplot
installed only, sorry).
Note that you must also replace the eoSecondMomentStat
by an eoAverageStat,
otherwise the standard deviations won't make any sense here.
Please try to understand why the average is always
0 before taking a look at the solution (file exercise1.cpp).
Then run
exercise1 --vecSize=1000 --maxGen=1000
to get a chance to see something happening before
the program ends!
Exercise 2:
Write the eoDiversityStat
stat computation and test it. Thanks to send us the code!
Exercise 3:
Write the code for an eoGnuplotSecondStatMonitor
that would display the eoSecondMomentStat
(i.e. take into account the standard deviations and display them as error-bars.
Again, send us the code afterwards, thanks :-)
Lessons learned:
Value of program parameters can be set at run-time
using the eoParser class.
Snapshots of the algorithms can easily
be saved (and restored)
thanks to the eoState class.
The eoCheckpoint mechanism
let you do things every generation
without modifying existing algorithms, by simply writing the necessary
code and encapsulating it into an object that eoCheckpoint
is aware of, that are at the moment the following:
computing statistics, displaying
(e.g. statistics), saving the
of the program.
In next lesson you will find out that many adaptive
techniques (the state-of-the-art in Evolutionary Computation) can easily
be programmed through the eoUpdater
Lesson 2 -
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Marc Schoenauer
modified: None of your business!