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Tutorial Lesson 2: more encapsulations
In this lesson, the same Evolutionary Algorithm will be rewritten in a
much more general context.
First, look at the changes that have been done
to the algorithms. Then benefit from the new features by
minimizing (and not only maximize) the fitness
combining several
operators of the same type
combining several
stopping criteria
use alternate selection/replacement
engines, deviating from the pure generational GA
Again, two basic algorithms are provided, namely FirstBitEA
and FirstRealEA.
To compile and run them, go to the Lesson2
sub-directory of the tutorial dir and simply type make.
Both examples should get compiled, and you can then run them by calling
their name from the system prompt.
Note the slim difference in names, from GA
to EA: the behavior of these EAs is
almost identical to that of their GA counterpart, at least with the default
settings that are provided. But their potentialities for easy modifications
are much larger, both in terms of variation operators
and of evolution engine (i.e. selection/replacement
Browse through the code, and discover them one after the other:
The fitness function
lies in a separate file
- Real). But, more important, its
argument is a vector<bool> or a vector<double>,
and not an unknown type. This will allow to use the same file for any EO
object that is a sub-class of the corresponding STL vector class.
Note: Also,
a non-templatized fitness can be compiled
separately (not done here) into an object
file once and for all (remember
that templates forbid that).
The encapsulation
the fitness (Bit
- Real) looks more complicated: you
have to declare 3 template arguments: the type of EO object it will be
applied to, the return type and the type of argument the function actually
Note: In the
previous files (Bit - Real)
, the last 2 types were deduced from the first (2nd argument = fitness
type of EO object, third = first).
Both the above modifications makes it very easy to
rather than maximize a fitness function (see Exercise
The initialization
of the population is now encapsulatedinto
a separate initializer (based
on a boolean generator or a double-number
generator -see random_generators.h)
that is then used in the constructor of the population to build the individuals.
You can also use different initializers and call them in turn through the
call to pop.append() function
(see Exercise 2).
Note: Don't
forget to evaluate the population:
the eoPop has no idea of the eval function, so it has to be done from outside!!!
You can now use
operatorsin the same algorithm,
choosing among them according to
weights. The
class eoPropCombinedxxxOp,
xxx is either Mon (for mutations, of class eoMonOp)
or Quad (for crossovers, of class eoQuadOp),
is derived from the corresponding eoxxxOp class. When applying the eoPropCombinedxxxOp,
one of the eoxxxOp it contains is chosen by a roulette
wheel, according to their respective rates, and is applied to the arguments.
For more details on these classes, go to the algorithm-based
corresponding pages, or to their respective documentation pages.
Three crossover
operators are available: the one-point
crossover is still there (class ), but now you also have the N-point
crossover eoBinNxOver
(the number of points is 2 by default, but as always you can change
that in the constructor), and the Uniform
crossover eoBinUxOver
(where you can eventually twidle the choice from one parent to the other
by providing a probability in the constructore - defaulted to 0.5, which
amounts to symmetrical choice).
As for mutation
operators, apart from the eoBinMutation
(standard bitstring mutation flipping one bit with a given probability)
you can also use the eoDetBitFlip
that always filps the same number of bits (1 by default, but you can change
that in the constructor), randomly chosen in the bitstring. Even though
the average number of bits flipped is the same if the eoBinMutation
used with a rate of 1/N (N is the bitstring length) the
behavior of these mutation can be very different
on many problems.
Two crossover
operators are available: the eoSegmentCrossover
chooses one point uniformly on the segment joining the parents, while the
performs a linear combination on each coordinate independently, which amount
to choosing the offspring uniformly in the hypercube whose diagonal is
the segment joining the parents.
As for mutation
operators, apart from the eoBinMutation
(standard bitstring mutation flipping one bit with a given probability)
you can also use the eoDetBitFlip
that always filps the same number of bits (1 by default, but you can change
that in the constructor), randomly chosen in the bitstring. And last but
not least, the normal mutation eoNormMutation modifies all coordinates
with a Gaussian noise, with standard deviation passed in the constructor.
Note: A third optional argument in
method add is a boolean (defaulted
to false). When true, the actual rates for all operators are displayed
on the screen as percentages: you don't have to input rates that sum up
to 1, all rates are scaled anyway.
Note: The
operators have to be encapsulated into an eoTransform
object (Bit - Real)
to be passed to the eoEasyEA algorithm.
The eoSGATransform is a simple
that does exactly the same thing than eoSGA:
each pair from the selected parents undergoes the crossover
operator with given probability, and all individuals (after crossover
eventually) undergo mutation with given probability.
The arguments to the eoSGATransform
are an eoQuadOp with its probability
and an eoMonOp with the associated
You can use combinations
several stopping criteria by using an object of the class eoCombinedContinue
- Real). Initialize it with an object
of class eoContinue, and
as many of other such objects as you wish. And as an eoCombinedContinue
an eoContinue,
simply pass it to the algorithm (Bit
- Real). To find out more, and
to get the list and syntax of existing eoContinue subclasses, check out
the corresponding component-based
full selection/replacement mechanism is
now in place through the eoEasyEA
This means that you can use different selectors.
which was already true in Lesson 1, but also different replacement
strategies (see Exercise 3) whereas generational
replacement was hard-coded in the algorithm eoSGA
used in Lesson1.
Beware that we have to encapsulate (Bit
- Real) the eoDetTournament,
which is of class eoSelectOne (i.e. allows
to select one individual from a population, its operator()
returning a single individual) into an object of the eoSelectPerc
(perc stands for percentage) which allows to select a ... percentage of
a population (his operator()
returns a population). This was done internally in the constructor
of eoSGA - see lesson1.
1: minimizing
Modify the algorithm so that it minimizes the
For the bitstring case, you only have to modify the
of the representation, using eoMinimizingFitness
instead of double.
But is that really all? Give it a try, look at the output, and do it right
the second time!!!
For the real-valued problem, you also need to modify
the file real_value.h so
that it returns the sum of squares instead of its inverse. And again there
is something else to modify...
2: initialization
Use different initializers: for instance, on
the real-valued sphere function minimization, try to initialize half of
the population in [-2,-1] and the other half in [1,2], with and without
the segment and hypercube crossovers (and for large values of VEC_SIZE,
the size of the vectors). Amazing, isn't it! Explain that result.
3: full selection/replacement
You can now twiddle the number of offspring that
will be generated from the parents. But of course you need to adjust the
replacement to keep a constant population size.
To modify the number
of offspring, use the second argument of the
(Bit - Real)
of the selector
of class eoSelectOne
into an eoSelectPerc object. For instance, try
eoSelectPerc<Indi> select(selectOne,2.0)
to generate twice as many offspring as there
are parents.
You can also use the other encapsulator that
takes as second argument an absolute number (e.g. if you want to generate
2 offspring whatever the population size):
eoSelectNumber<Indi> select(selectOne,2)
Or you can use the HowMany
paradigm and the eoSelectMany to
do either one depending on some command-line input (advanced).
To keep a constant population
size, you can use either the eoCommaReplacement
class, or the eoPlusReplacement.
The former selects the best offspring to replace the parents, the latter
selects the best among parents+offspring. Of course you cannot use eoCommaReplacement
if you have less offspring than parents!
Now if you use eoSelectRandom
as selector with a rate of
lambda, you end up with exactly the (mu+lambda)
(mu,lambda) strategies from Evolution
Question: what do you
get if you select 1 offspring only, and an eoPlusReplacement
strategy? Yes, you get almost the replace_worst Steady-State GA, though
rather inefficient, as you sort the population at every generation.
Hint: there are a few
Steady-State replacement strategies already there in EO. See the Replacement
Remember: all solutions
are in the same sub-directory of the Tutorial dir than the examples (i.e.
here Lesson2), and are described here.
Lessons learned:
How to write a fitness function that only
needs a genotype, not a full individual. Moreover you can compile it separately.
How to initialize the population using
random generators
How to use other evolution engine than the
simple generational GA.
How to combine different objects of the same kind into a single object
that you can use like a simple basic object (operators
and stopping criteria here).
Lesson 1 -
3 -
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- EO
Marc Schoenauer
modified: Fri Nov 3 18:49:12 CET 2000